Jul 10, 2010 00:00
- 02:20 You know you've taken an Ambien when... #
- 02:21 1. The damn little keys on the phone keep moving and twisting away from you #
- 02:22 2. You swear that the cute little kitty pic you use as background has texture and really will move if you poke it #
- 02:24 3. You stagger around like a drunkard just to get to the bathroom to pee. Gods save any cats in the area #
- 02:25 4. Shadows look like puffy things of awesome that you want to play with. #
- 02:26 5. Things and images that shouldn't have depth, suddenly do #
- 02:27 6. You can feel your organs dancing to the beat of Hungarian techno rock. No, really #
- 02:28 That said, I think it is time to stop playing and actually go to bed #
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