Apr 10, 2004 00:09
I never knew how much I actually liked to read the crazy rants on gossip on LiveJournal until I wasn't able to go on for so long!
I am definitely very fulfilled and all caught up now though... how sad.
So what has been happening in my ever eventful life for the past while... let me highlight.
QUALIFIED FOR PROVINCIALS: First time ever I have qualified for provincials. They take place next Friday-Sunday. I am so excited. That will also mark the last year of me playing hockey (unless of course I end up playing at university). This year has definitely been the best.
ROONEY CONCERT: Totally amazing. The Redwalls are definitely my new favorite band. Susan and I had a great time. The show was awesome, and we had super fun. That Gorman is just one awesome girl. What great company.
BRITNEY SPEARS: Susan, Andrina and I went downtown to the Eaton Centre (which I HAD NEVER BEEN TO BEFORE) and then we took Susan out for dinner for her birthday. It was good fun. I loved the concert, and had a great time. I got my camera confiscated for taking pictures, and since the line was ridiculously long, I picked it up a couple days later... there were some good pictures on it too. haha I love Britney Spears... although her show was rather sexually gratuitous. At least Maddie is with me on the whole liking-of-the-concert. BSW.
UNIVERSITY: Playing the ever torturous waiting game. Midterm marks go in to OUAC on the 28th of this month, so I will hopefully hear something after that.
Politics: 90%, Writer's Craft: 90%, English Lit: 86%, Philosophy: 85%, English: 84%, Music: 80%, Calculus...ugh: 70%
So my top six average is 86, which is nice... if I take out music and replace it with Calculus my average is 84% which isn't too bad either. I know that I will be fine, but I still am dying from the anxiety of waiting. I really want to go to Western... so much. Guelph is my number two.
NOSE PIERCED: Pretty self explanatory. I enjoy it, although it still hurts a bit. Looks pretty awesome. Definitely surprised the parents when they came home and saw there was a piece of metal going through my nose. It is pink.
GORMAN'S BIRTHDAY: Today I hung out with Gorman and Andrina for the super Susan's-eighteenth-birthday. We had much fun. Mmmm, Treatzza Pizza...
I have been in a pretty good mood lately... really stressed, but that is understandable considering the time of the school year and the whole do-or-die hockey scenario. This is the time to totally kill all of this stuff (in the absolute best way) as it is the last shot I have. There is so much coming up that I am excited for, it's just taking a lot of work in the mean time to get there.
I am sure I am forgetting to write about something, but I am le tired... So I will add it tomorrow once I have mulled over some super things to write... and have gotten a good sleep.
One thing I must not forget to write is that Susan, Andrina and I have had some great times over the past few months. You two have definitely become two of my closest friends. We've had so many great times: our parking lot peeing adventure, the discovery of GORMAN, GBS ticket signing story, grocery store outings, "who's sleeping in the porch?", the amazingly huge Opera House line and not knowing if the bus was traveling in the right direction, finally getting to view our New Years pictures, me loving Mr.Bobesich, Operation 10259, Britney Spears...
Way too many laughs to count. Andrina, I am definitely coming to New Brunswick to see you next year... Susan, hopefully I will get into Western and then we will initiate our plan: meaning we hang out occasionally and party, but do not be together so much we hate each other and want to kill one another (you know what I mean). If I end up somewhere else, we will still party it up.