The Price of Peace
by Maeglin Yedi
Pairing: Harry/Voldemort/Snape, other minor pairings (both het and slash)
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: They all belong to J.K. Rowling. I just make them shag.
Warnings: AU from HBP onwards
Summary: After ten years of peace, there is now a price to pay, as Harry discovers.
A/N: Sequel to
The Semblance of Peace.
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"I have not hated you for some time now." Aww, coming from Snape, that almost sounds like a love declaration. ;)
The first part of the chapter was so entertaining! I still can't get over the image of Harry getting wasted and doing stupid things. :P
Also. YOU MENTIONED THE WHITE PEACOCKS! I expected it once they arrived at the mansion and I'm not even sure why it made me happy but it did. :D I loved Harry's snort about them - it felt very meta.
And there was Harry's regret again about not having kids. *takes note* I loved that you made Astoria so likeable and I'm curious what information Snape might have found out from the Malfoys.
And it was great to see that both Harry's and Snape's feelings about their relationship with Voldemort are much more complex deep down than what it would seem on the surface.
That's exactly what I was trying to show with those scenes, so I'm very glad that seemed to have come across well. There have to be deeper emotions and issues in their situation, I imagine, but for them it would be easier to just ignore them, unless they are forced (more or less) to acknowledge all the issues.
And how could I not mention the peacocks! They still make me chuckle just thinking about them. ;-)
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