May 19, 2013 22:38
I have been having the darnedest time getting onto LJ now that my mind is finally flowing. Watching my grandson grow has been such a blessing. Truth is (as has been pointed out) that we were/are overwhelmed with raising the boy. And it has been good for us. We have had to reach out and ask for help. Okay, *I* have. Me. Vicki. That was a tough hurdle to get past. I did, and am grateful for the lesson. I have a wonderful village. Watching them open their hearts to this little boy has opened my eyes to the type of people I surround myself with.
Our raising him has opened his mother's eyes, too. She has realized that we were done. And that we would do whatever was needed for the well-being of that child. And that we would *not* do the same for her. She used up all her chances. She has realized what she lost, both the boy and Jamie and me. She has been working very hard to make it right. For every thee steps forward, there is that one step backwards, but I'm happy as long as the overall direction is forward.
Then we have the boy himself. Good natured, gentle, laugh-filled. full of awe. That used to be me, not very long ago! I guess the constant pain and forced couch time had worked its evil magic on me. I think how I would react to dry ice now. Yeah, I needed to find that part of me again. Before it is lost forever. And now I get to see the world through a toddler's eyes. What a treat.
I really think the Lord/Lady sent this little boy to us to work his magic on us. It is working! I tell you, we have received more from him than he from us. That lights say something, huh? I have a good life.