(no subject)

Feb 10, 2004 15:32

:: Online info ::
[Current name]Matthew Elliot Patrick Assad
[Nicknames]Maed, Maedhros
[First online username]Oh gawd....that was almost a decade ago now. Probably something with the word 'Raven' in it.
[LJ username]Maed
[Story behind one of your usernames]Maedhros is a character from the Silmarillion.
[Which of these do you prefer: forums, chats, IRC, msn/yahoo/AIM] MSN/Yahoo/AIM
[Ever met someone in real life whom you first met online?]No, unfortunately.
[How many people you know online you’ve first met in real life?]Over 20.
[Has anyone ever told you you spend too much time online?]Yes.
[Have you ever browsed the net, found something and thought, “Hey, I thought I was the only one who felt like that / does that kind of things !”]Yes.
[What did you do with your spare time back in the day when people didn’t have internet connections?]Read, Draw, Play Games, Sleep.
[Name the best thing about internet]Half the People
[Name the worst thing about internet]The Other Half of the People
[Do you find the prospect of homo-erotic PC lovin a turn on?]....no.

:: Computer stuff ::
[Own a printer?]Yes
[A scanner?]Yes
[A webcam?]No
[A digital camera?]No
[Other assorted computer accessories?]Yes
[A mobile phone?]Yes
[A Playstation?]Yes
[Super Nintendo?]Yes
[Gameboy Advance?]No
[Any other gaming consoles, which?]Yes, N64
[Have you got more than 5 PC games?]No
[Can you operate things like graphics and sound cards?]Yes
[Do you ever feel like most of your youth was spent playing videogames?]Yes

:: General ::
[Do you blow dry your hair after a shower/bath/swim?]No
[Did you know that hair conditioner is only meant to be applied only on the ends of your hair?]No
[Do you prefer swimming out on the sea, a lake or swimming hall?]I'm going to assume 'hall' is the same as 'pool' over here and go with that.
[Have you ever received an electric shock from a household appliance?]Yes
[Are you sure you’re not lying?]Yes
[Where do you get most of your money from?]Parents
[What do you spend most of your money on?]Random stuff
[Have you ever considered robbing a bank, if only in jest?]Yes
[Have you ever stolen anything?]Yes
[Have you ever considered stealing anything?]Yes
[What would you do if someone stole from you?]*shrugs* Probably wouldn't notice unless it was something big.

:: Why ::
[Why does it say ‘shake’ on things like bottled juice and you always forget to?]I don't forget, so nyeh.
[Why is it that water makes the supermodels’ skin glisten in the sun, but turns you into a dried prune?]I don't know.
[Why is it that when you turn the TV off because a certain music video is playing, an hour later you open it and it’s playing again?]God hates you.
[Why is there never anything to do when you’re bored?]Because being bored puts you in a pessimistic mood and therefore nothing will seem entertaining to you.
[Why do artists like Britney Spears sell though nobody admits to listening to them?]Plenty of people admit to listening to them. You just probably don't associate with them.
[Why does everything shrink when you grow up?]Again, God hates you.
[Why are all the good men/women either fictional, taken, gay or all of these?]See above.
[Why does five minutes feel so short when you want to sleep longer, and so long when you’re waiting for a class to end?]See above.
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