So, the past two days at work were quite ... odd. I was still reeling from the whole "Flexo called me 'Jean' as an insult" thing, and figured that he thought I was soft or not management material, or whatever. Then yesterday, he asks me what I do about reps who are "clustering" on the sales floor, i.e., not Greeting the customers and instead talking to each other. I respond that I'd try and separate them, to which he replies, "I guess that you and I have the same management style."
TF? Doesn't that mean that he and JEAN have the same management style too, because, from the Fourth, I am the Jean...
And then today, he kept treating me like I was four. Flexo asked me to cover Matt's break up in Outerwear. On my way to Outerwear, another guy comes in an hour early and asks if he can work early. Because it's busy as all get out, I say "absofreakin'lutely", and turn back to update the POD and let Flexo know that Other Rep is working early. Before I get a chance to tell Flexo about Other Rep, Flexo says, "You know you're supposed to be covering Matt's break, right?"
I refrained from slapping him. Really, I did. But wait - it gets better.
So the kicker: it was quarter to six, Flexo was leaving at six (thankfully), and I offer to make the Plan of the Day (POD) for the next day so he can get the frick out of there. And he says:
"Oh, that's great. So, you take last Tuesday's POD and just overwrite it, right? And then you save it in the folder. And don't forget the swaps and giveaways, right?"
Here's what I heard in my head. (Vaughn = Flexo, Sydney = Me)
Sydney: You said you wanted to talk about the plan. I'm giving you the plan.
Vaughn: It's not your job to give me the plan. I'm giving you the plan. Tomorrow's your first day back at SD-6. Now, nothing should change. When you get your assignment, you'll detail your mission on a paper bag. [He picks up a paper bag and shows her.] Then you'll call this number. [He gives her a card.] Memorize it. After three tones, press the appropriate digit - one through six. Each corresponds to a trash can in a specific location. Now we'll review your information, create a countermission, and we'll contact you posing as a wrong number: Joey's Pizza. Any questions so far?
Sydney: Yeah. Can you show me what a bag looks like again?
I am SO doing that the next time he treats me like I was hired after him. I can hear him now ... "So you put the number of OAP applications turned in on this chart. Any questions?" "Yeah, can you show me what the pen looks like again?"
God forbid the Management goes out drinking. A SMASHSTAB may be in order.
I came home tonight, and in preparation for Order of the Phoenix, Missy's been watching all the previous movies. Tonight, she wanted to watch Goblet of Fire, and we drank every time someone said "Harry" and "Lord Voldemort". Needless to say, she's a bit tipsy.
But the best parts were when she declared that, should she attend Hogwarts, she wants her pet to be a turkey. Not just a turkey - an evil, mutant turkey, which would take the Horntail Dragon and beat it up.
Also, the new in-joke around the house is "Krum NO [something]."
The Durmstrang school enters the Great Hall.
Missy: It's like, that scene from Mulan where they're going to - UH! - Fight! The Huns!
Alaina: I don't know why they're dancing.
Missy: Except Krum. He just walks in, like, "'Sup?"
Alaina: [In Caveman Voice] Krum NO DANCE!
Rita Skeeter: So, who wants to share?
Alaina: Krum NO SHARE!
So. I'm going to go upstairs and watch the BRITISH OFFICE (!!), and Alaina NO SLEEP!