May 29, 2012 15:46
Okay, I need to stop watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix. This was one of the worst decisions Netflix has ever made, because seriously, I only started watching this like, last week, and I'm almost done with Season Two.
All right: I have errands to run. Or, one errand to run. One errand. I need to go to the bank and launder money transfer some money around. And then pay the Time Warner bill. Okay, two errands.
Oh man -- I always forget how funny "Columns" is. Barney finds the hidden nude of Marshall that Lily painted back in the day, and offers to pay her $5000 to have her paint his nude portrait. And it's just hilarious. Although, I've always loved the relationship between Barney and Lily. I really feel that they don't play that friendship up as much as they could.
This exchange killed me:
Lily is painting Barney, who is holding a sword above his head.
Lily: Hold still!
Barney: PAINT ... FASTER.
It just sounds like something that would happen to me.
Okay - errands. Check. Gotta go.
how i met your mother,