Sep 08, 2011 23:35
What's with today, today?
I mean, not to get into it, but between the lady who called one of my co-workers a racist and the dude who wanted to return one shoe -- not one pair of shoes, but one single shoe -- today has been an example of WTF-ery.
Research Amy: Is this the Shoe Guy?
Research Amy: So me and the CSR-3s have been emailing back and forth. They asked me if he had both legs.
Me: Yup! Both legs! Apparently the other shoe was fine, but he wanted to return this one shoe!
Research Amy: So I sent the CSR-3s an email.
Me: Yeah?
Research Amy: I said: "Nope, guy has two legs. But his story didn't have a leg to stand on."
So now, I'm pleasantly buzzed on three beers in an hour and a half. Like, I'm swaying in my chair; that buzzed. I'm not gonna lie - it's kinda awesome. And I need to be up in like six and a half hours to go back to work, so instead, I think I'm gonna finish the disc of Vampire Diaries (IT COMES BACK ONE WEEK FROM TONIGHT I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED) and then hit the hay because hey, I'm kinda drunk.
I have a feeling I'll regret posting this in the morning. But right now, I kinda don't care. So there.