Nov 28, 2009 03:09
Things that just happened:
- Got home, did the dishes. Then had a mishap with the frozen yogurt (it was left in the sink to defrost, for some reason, which is weird, seeing as how we don't have trash day until next Friday) anyway, I had moved it out of the sink to do said dishes, then when I went to put it back in the sink, I dropped it, and ended up with vanilla frogurt on the floor. So "doing the dishes" turned into "cleaning the entire kitchen like a crazy person at 1:30 a.m." Good times.
- Took a shower at 2 a.m., because not only was I covered in frogurt, but also different types of household cleaners, including but not limited to Murphy's Oil Soap. *sigh*
- Checked email. Apparently a relative of a friend found the video on Facebook wherein my sister and I explain the Dollar Menu, and the 'stoner's delight' that is the McGangBang:
Missy: You take a Double Cheeseburger, and then you take a McChicken. You take this Double Cheeseburger and you open it right the fuck up. You slab that McChicken right in that Double Cheeseburger and you close it back up, so when you're done, it goes bun-burger-bun-chicken-bun-burger-bun.
Anyway. The relative left a comment asking, "Where is the Lord in all of this?" *headdesk* Fuuuuuuuuck. It says RIGHT THERE IN THE WARNING: NSFW, Mature Audiences only, EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. The summary is "Ever wonder what a McGangBang is?" I just ...
Some days? It's not even worth getting out of bed, I swear ...