Feb 17, 2009 23:56
Dear E! Online:
If you're going to be all clever and have a Java-enabled poll going for who I think will win the Oscars, and you have stills from nominated movies and stills of the actors in their nominated roles, here's a hint: don't pick the first picture of the nominee that comes up off of Yahoo! Images, because dudes, your picture of Kate Winslet for her role in The Reader? IS ACTUALLY FROM REVOLUTIONARY ROAD.
Jeez, it's like you don't care about the Oscars as much as I do.
Speaking of, here's how my Movie Scorecard is looking:
* Saw Revolutionary Road and The Reader last Thursday.
* Friday my schedule changed at work, and I was able to catch the 9:10 showing of Doubt. I still think Kate Winslet's only competition for Best Actress is Anne Hathaway (which I still won't be able to see before Sunday), but man, I wished Oscar liked comedy and that Heath Ledger hadn't died, because I'd love to see Robert Downey Jr. win for Tropic Thunder. But let's just say that Heath was out of the picture (too soon?); Philip Seymour Hoffman was excellent as Father Flynn in Doubt, and he's a serious contender.
* Just got back from seeing Frost/Nixon and Milk. Sean Penn is magnificent as the latter, and kudos to Frank Langhella for making me feel sympathetic towards Nixon. I found myself rooting for poor old Milhouse, which takes a lot. But back to Milk: SPY DADDY WAS IN MILK! AS MILK'S FAVORITE MAYOR, GEORGE MOSCONE! And I swear that when - oh, right, that's where the Macworld conventions are held all the time; I knew there was a Moscone center or something. Anyhoodle, that makes BOTH of the Spy!Parents in pictures that were nominated for Besties. Now, if only I could get both Victor Garber and Lena Olin to guest-star on Chuck and/or Brothers & Sisters, IT WOULD BE AMAZING.
So now I need to decide whether a) I watch In Bruges before going to bed, b) finishing at least one damn book on my list of seven I'm currently reading, c) just go to bed and say fuck it, or d) watch some of the TV on the TiVo I should be deleting.
Hmm. Chocolate-covered pretzels will help my thought process. And if ANYONE IN THE AREA can tell me where the frick I can find white-chocolate-covered pretzels, I'LL GIVE YOU MY FIRSTBORN CHILD. I have searched frickin' EVERYWHERE, and I'm getting FRUSTRATED (as the unmitigated use of CAPSLOCKOMG should tell you).
movies: oscar watch 2009,
goals: 2009,
award shows