So I finally caught up with Grey's Anatomy.
When did McSteamy become my favorite? In the last episode (5.9 "All By Myself"), I nearly squirted Diet Coke out of my nose when he yelled at Callie, "NO HOT INTERNS!" But seriously, that should become a new hiring practice of Seattle Grace. To avoid those types of problems, they should only hire ugly interns.
And then, of course, Sloane put his Little Sloane in Little Grey, against the explicit orders of the Little Bastard. Oh, Sloane. Although she did come on to him, and he really did try to resist, so points for that.
How awesome is Bailey? I mean, seriously. From her speech about how awesome she was as a resident to her wanting to learn new things from Sloane of all people, she is just spectacular. As it appears there is no physical way I can stop watching this freaking show, at least I can claim that I watch it for the awesomeness that is Miranda Bailey.
Everything else ... meh.
I just shoveled my driveway because it was 3 p.m. and Plow Guy had not come. It is now 3:44, and Plow Guy has still not come. So Plow Guy had better not come now, and I'm going to ask for a discount from the Landlady. Because why should I pay the Landlady so she could pay Plow Guy for a job that he didn't do but I did? It makes sense in my head.
I hate winter. I know, I know, I live in Maine, where it's winter six months out of the year (or at least it feels that way once March finally rolls around), I should be used to it by now. And I guess I don't hate winter, the season; I hate winter, the state of mind. Not to mention all the accoutrements that Winter brings. For instance, I can only find one of my Shoveling Gloves. So I had to wear my Driving Gloves this afternoon. Luckily it isn't raining, so my fingers stayed dry and warm.
But there's the inevitable Waiting for My Plow Guy. And ninety percent of the time last year, Plow Guy did a shitty job, and managed to block me in more often than not. Then there's the school's Crazy Plow Guy, who was out there, I swear to God making donuts in the parking lot, at 5:30 this morning. And he is not a quiet Crazy Plow Guy. That is the Same Crazy Plow Guy who, one night at 3 a.m., was plowing the school's parking lot while blasting "Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen. I swear I am not making that up. I have video.
In essence, if my box of Jerry Maguire hadn't been all the way downstairs in my car this morning, I would have been throwing them out my window at Crazy Plow Guy. I wonder if Jerry Maguire VHS tapes can puncture tires; that would come in very handy.
I'm also trying to register for classes for Spring semester, but USM and their PeopleSoft MaineStreet program can bite me. Also, the registrar. The registrar hates me, I can just feel it. Last week, when I called and told Mary that I wanted to go back to school for a second bachelor degree, she said in a very snotty tone of voice, "You want a second bachelor's degree?", like I was an idiot, and who would want to go back to school. Um, let's see: I decided that I hate the major I ended up with, and have no interest in pursuing a career in accounting or management; I really like messing with video and audio and making movies and writing scripts; and c, my current job will reimburse me for bachelor's degrees. In short, it's win-win, shut up, Mary.
But even though I'm an active student, I'm not active in the system (or some such nonsense), so I have to wait for Open Registration on January 9, at which point the one class I want to take (Intro to Media Studies) will be filled, because there's only one empty seat right now. Why do Universities make it so hard for students to do what they want? I will pay an early registration penalty if that's what it takes - I don't want to wait for that spot. I mean, come on USM, I know you're in a financial crisis; I live with an Admin! I know all about your problems!