Okay, first off I should explain that I'm one of those people that's totally Darlton's bitch, until the bitter end. Sure, there are some things I take issue with sometimes. But generally I'm someone who feels like LOST started off as the best show on TV and has continued to grow. So you may need to take my opinions with a grain of salt. That said...
One of the few big bones that I have to pick with the show is the way they never managed to do with Ana whatever it is they've done with new additions like Desmond or Dan that makes people just love them so damn much. Of course, if Ana had been any different, more likable, softer somehow, than I probably wouldn't love her as much. So, we're back to "In Darlton We Trust".
I've had my fingers crossed for exactly such an appearance for, well, the whole last season, so it's not like it had to be much to make me happy. But it was pitch perfect. Usually I get a kick out of seeing the guest names in the credits, but I am so glad this one was a complete surprise. Good on Michelle Rodriguez for not being too big to come back for such a little cameo. Make a good movie soon, hon, so I can go see it. And remember, call a cab for heaven's sake.
Rest of my flist seems to have covered the other significant stuff :D