For all we know (Multi-chapter)

Nov 07, 2011 18:32

Title: For all we know (Multi-chapter)
Genre: Alternate Universe / AU, Angst
Ratings: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them but only the plot. I’m only doing this from a fan to fans.

I never had the chance to hang out or make friends of the opposite sex since all I can see is Jun.

I never also had a boyfriend because my life only revolves around Jun, but Jun on the other hand has countless of girls.

I will try my best to break them apart of course which sparks a lot of haters for me, but I don’t care.

All I care about is Jun.

I can’t live without him.

I don’t need anything or anybody else.

All I need is him.

Author’s Note:

It’s been so long since I wrote a fan fiction! It’s like 2 years or so? I already had this story in my head for so long yet it’s only now that I had the chance to put this story into text. For no reason at all I just want a drama. Something heartbreaking that will just make me cry.

Weird right?

Just click on to find out that drama in my head.

And for this story, my writing style is different, I want to express the thoughts of characters by individually writing their point of view.


Chapter 1

Jun Matsumoto

Everyone's got to have an everyday routine.

An acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.

It's 6 o’clock in the morning. I know it eventhou I haven't opened my eyes yet.


Because I wake up on my own in the same time of almost everyday, it may be a few minutes different sometimes, but still nevertheless 6.

I just lay there motionless, lingering unto the warmth of my sheet.

And then just in time, I hear my window opening.

I still didn’t move a bit.

"Juuuuuuuuuun!" My bed bounced and her body enveloped me with a warm hug.

"Wake up! It's time for work!" She nuzzles my neck and it continues to rise up to my hair, sniffing me just like a dog.

Eventhou how many times I tell her that she's heavy, or sniffing me is annoying, or don't enter my room... or to my window to be exact, she just don't listen. She’s such a spoiled brat but I know it’s my fault, because I always give up and just let her be.

When I still lay there and not moving at all, I know what she's going to do next. Her hands danced to my side tickling me. It also annoys me because I’m all bones so her tickling hurts, I will catch both her hands and stop her by locking her with my hug.

"Good Morning." I will say, and kisses her in the forehead.

She will giggle and we will stay like that for a few minutes, burying her face into my naked chest.

We’ve been together for so long that seeing me only in boxers or butt naked doesn’t affect her at all. But seeing her trying to get naked in front of me is another story. I will become very angry and if possible, I don’t want her to wear any clothes that show off too much skin. I want her conservative since she’s under my care. I don’t want her indecent.

She looks up at me and gives this small pout. “Give me a good morning kiss too~”

“Impossible.” I pinched and tugged her pouting lips, reprimanding her.

She disappointedly breaks herself away from me and stands up to declare that she’s going to make breakfast. My Father is usually in a business trip and my mother just leave all the preparing to Mao every morning as she tends to her beloved garden of orchids.

After I take my shower and putting some clothes on, I went downstairs with the delicious smell of breakfast.

“Mao, your grandma Ida called me again last night. She wants me to convince you to go to America to stay with her. She’s worried that you’re alone all by yourself at such a big house.”

Mao’s parents died in a car crash when she was still 10, her grandmother stayed with her until College and forced her to come with her in America after graduation but she refused. I know that it’s because of me.

“Aren’t you excited today? I want to meet the girl Sho was talking about.”

Mao changed the subject and serves me her infamous sandwich to my distraction, and again I let her be.

We wash the dishes and goes to work using my car.

This is my Everyday routine.

And it bores me.

Why do I feel so discontented and unhappy?

I hate this kind of feeling.

What’s missing?

Why am I feeling this way?

I sighed.

She looks at my direction in question and I will just say “Nothing” and smile, she'll just smile in return.

That angelic smile of hers makes me guilty even more.

Mao Inoue

He will just sigh like that in the morning and up to now I wonder why. I will ask him but he will just say "Nothing" and will just smile. And because I’m a woman in love, I will smile back and will be just contented like that.

I'm living everyday in happiness and bliss, how can I be so blessed? Sometimes I’m so guilty that I put all my coins at every can who asks for donations. Why are they so unfortunate and yet I bathe in so much good grace?

We finally arrived at the TBS building. We both work in the same production company, him as the production executive and I as his head writer.

Were practically together everywhere. It will be so wrong if the other is not by its side. If I’m not with Jun, many will ask where he is, and so is he when I’m not with him. We definitely maintained the position of a status quo.

He’s 3 years older and we’ve been together since toddlers. Were neighbors and our room is almost joint because we can go across in each other’s room through windows.

I’ve been told that since I was 2, I always follow Jun wherever he goes. I will cry if I don’t see him and will smile the whole day if I see Jun just even once a day.

As I grow older, my obsession still didn’t stop. I follow him to whichever school he’s in, I even take the same course as him. I always tell him how much I love him but he will just smile in reply and affectionately ruffles on my hair. He doesn’t take me seriously but I will never give up. I know that he just treats me as a younger sister but I know that someday he will recognize me as a woman. I have this strong perseverance that my love for him will change that.

I never had the chance to hang out or make friends of the opposite sex since all I can see is Jun.

I never also had a boyfriend because my life only revolves around Jun.

But Jun on the other hand has countless of girls.

I will try my best to break them apart of course which sparks a lot of haters for me, but I don’t care.

All I care about is Jun.

I can’t live without him.

I don’t need anything or anybody else.

All I need is him.

We finally reached the conference room and I can feel the excitement around.

Were planning on a new cooking show and Jun’s co-producer Sho Sakurai is in charge of auditioning and choosing the host.

“Take your seats everyone.” Sho remain standing as 6 of us seat. I sat left from Jun, my usual place.

“I chose someone with beauty and substance and of course someone who’s 100 percent knows what she’s doing. She practically covers everything and had travelled all over the world for recipes. The first time I saw her, I know that she’s the one.”

“How old is she?” Mukai Osamu asked, The Executive producer financier.

“In her twenties...” Sho looks at me and smiled, I automatically smiled in return. “…Same as yours.”

“How can the viewers especially the older audience can trust her or take her seriously? It’s not about the accomplishment; you have to agree that audience has issue with age. They trust older host for they blindly believe that older people has more experience and credibility.” Mukai continues to ask.

“And that’s why I chose someone with substance; she’s also a woman oozing with charm. Cooking show viewers are mostly older people, but why not catch the younger viewers too?”

Everyone paused and gave a thought about it, which signals Sho to continue.

“I shall introduce her now.”

He walks to the door and opened it, signaling someone to come in.

“Everyone, Let me introduce to you all, Keiko Kitagawa-san.”

The First thing that caught my eyes is her legs, it’s endless.

Dramatically, I slowly look up and saw a very beautiful woman; she’s almost perfect just like that one Barbie doll I had from my Grandma Ida.

I look at everyone’s reaction and it seems that Sho is correct, everyone is charmed.

But I’m not happy with the next thing that I saw. It seems that Jun is charmed as well. He already had a lot of girlfriends and they were all beautiful and model-like. But it’s the first time seeing Jun so enchanted. I’m seriously stopping myself from giving him an uppercut to wake him from his ridiculous dream state.

All the alarm bells in my body were crazily making a lot of noise.

This woman is very dangerous.

I try to tame this violent feeling of jealousy.

It’s all because of Jun’s eyes…

I don’t want to admit it…

But it’s like…

This is…

Love at first sight…

-To be continued-

angst, fanfiction, au, alternate universe, maotsujun

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