Popular novel “Youkame no Semi (八日目の蝉)” will be released as a movie, starring Inoue Mao and Nagasaku Hiromi. The story is about Kiwako (Nagasaku) who kidnaps her married boyfriend’s baby (extramarital relations), after being forced to have an abortion. Kiwako then raises the baby for 4 years until she finally gets caught and arrested. The baby, Erina (Mao), who was raised by the kidnapper, is put in a very similar situation as she becomes impregnated by a guy she has an affair with.
“Youkame no Semi” was released as drama series this year (on NHK), but in the movie, they will feature more on Erina’s life, and Mao will be playing the role. Mao said, “This is a role which I have never played before, so it will be a good challenge for me. I will try my best to make a great movie.”
Filming started on September 23rd, and the movie is slated for a 2011 release.
Source & Photos: Oricon style
http://www.tokyohive.com/2010/09/inoue-mao-nagasaku-hiromi-star-in-upcoming-movie-youkame-no-semi/http://www.nipponcinema.com/blog/mao-inoue-and-hiromi-nagasaku-to-star-in-film-adaptation-of-youkame-no-semihttp://www.astarmag.co.cc/mao-inoue-stars-in-youkame-no-semi-movie-adaptation.htmlhttp://www.nigihana.com/forum/mao-inoue-stars-youkame-no-semi-movie-adaptation-32757.htmlhttp://www.jpopfun.com/2010/09/inoue-mao-to-star-youkame-no-semi-movie/ http://community.livejournal.com/aramatheydidnt/1269053.html Surprise us More 7th Avenue! <3