12/19 Mao Updates.

Dec 19, 2009 16:19

I am stating the obvious but i was suppose to be in Hiatus and yet i can't help myself but post because i get all unstoppable when it comes to Mao. After this, i will be gone again and will come back when something Mao related stuff comes again. I am now not as visible as i was before because of priorities, but it doesn't mean i'm completely gone and just leave the fandom just like the dusk of wind.

I know that you guys already know what's happening with Mao now, because all in my Friend's List is also a fan. [They've got to be! LOL] but i will still post it in here.

声明!此节目巡礼只是针对广告商而作,并不是确定内容,有很多不确定因素! 【TBS台长专题】TBS电视台2010年节目巡礼 ●生命最后一个月的花嫁 剧集版 出演:井上真央、小栗旬、ベッキー、薬师丸ひろ子、津川雅彦 2009年掀起全国感动的话题电影《生命最后一个月的花嫁》待望的连续剧化! 这一刻、让我为你披上嫁衣! 井上真央、小栗旬倾情出演、年度第一催泪的感动作品! 刚看到的不知道真假,发来与亲们分享。


Rumors that the Shun and Mao Collab will not be a movie but a Drama. It stated that this is already in line up for TBS 2010. I also see Becky's name in the cast list. o_O oooooh... Goodie!

*  And Of course HYDF's Couple promo.

image Click to view

Youtube vid credits to swconnie4

Everything is almost Perfect, The Clothes and make up, the ambiance and the HYDF last pic at the back. He looks Dashing and she looks gorgeous. It gives you the feeling of Makino and Domyoji in the future. It's like the continuation of the movie. But... Jun, why are you slouching? (T_T) Look at Mao and how she sat, full of confidence but somewat kind of tense and stiff. Like this ambiance is too... elegant? LOL Jun is in his comfort zone, but too comfortable for me with his slump shoulders. [Or is he implying on something? Is this a private joke or what because of Sho? LOL] Because of that, Mao looks taller than Jun and Domyoji isn't suppose to sit that way Jun! Which implies that this is not Domyoji and Makino, they're not playing a role here but just being theirselves. But, Nevertheless, it's not you can always see Jun and Mao in a More mature setup like this. It doesn't change anything. It still can make the Maotsujun fans all dokidoki again. I Can't wait at the 24,  want to know how many minutes will they greet us at the TV. LOL And depite all the rumors of them together [still] here they are! Just like "What the heck!" and just brushing them off like it will never matter even in the near future of their career. Love and Friendship is way too important as you can see. <3

* My Darling is a foreigner trailer.

image Click to view


Youtube vid credits to grumpygeek.

It Looks really fun! I Can't wait for the promotions! <3

hydf, inoue mao, my darling is a foreigner, movie, oguri shun, maotsujun

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