Apr 07, 2006 21:40
I really have to start using this thing more often.
It's funny how I talk about the inconsequential things, but so many major moments have gone by in my life that I've forgotten to mention completely. Like the entire three months of my last Cultural Convention, and winning a gold medal for my speech on metrosexuals.
Like Spring Break in Bali, which could be summed up as: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Five days of booze, dancing, shopping, and being with friends, with a couple of 'adventures' thrown in. These include expensive taxi drives to the middle of nowhere at 5 in the morning (we were trying to get to 'Dreamland Beach' -- go figure) and a 2 hour walk, barefoot, through the streets of Seminyak and Kuta (though that was my personal adventure.) Lots of pleasure, lots of pain, and I really became closer to a lot of my friends while learning good and bad things about certain other people. An experience for sure.
I'm such a stupid drunk. I like and hate hearing stories of my drunkenness, because it's amusing to a certain degree, then it gets embarrasing.
In other news, I submitted a story to Alpha -- since I'm moving to the States this year, I think if I get accepted I actually have a chance of going.
I was accepted to Ohio Wesleyan, Ithaca, and College of William and Mary (I didn't hear from NYU or Elizabethtown at all...NYU I understand because I never turned in the SAT scores they claimed they didn't get since I knew I wasn't gonna be able to go there anyway.) Due to finances and stuff, I'm going to Ohio Wesleyan. Unless I play Ithaca off Ohio Wesleyan's scholarship...has anyone done this before, or heard of it being done? And being done well? I'm so horrible at writing subtle letters...mine will definitely come off like 'Hey Ithaca. OWU's giving me more money than you. Gimme some more. Cheers.'
Think that's enough rambling for a night. Just a last question out of curiosity: do you guys use lj as a personal journal too, or do you have a separate, private journal you write in?
Hm. Fun Fair tomorrow. I have to make a big cardboard fish before I can sleep. Woo hoo.