Oct 07, 2005 07:44
I started off my Nano brainstorming with a nice simple plot thread, taken from a summer project that died quickly (the Victorian rip-off I was talking about). After about an hour and a half of fiddling with it, I have a crazy, tangled, knotted, messy lump of yarn. I have Merlin. I have steampunk. I have an all girl's boarding school. I have Stonehenge. I have secret laboratories. I have quintessial Hot Love Interest. I have magic. I have double agendas.
I have mayhem, is what it is.
This project will require immense amounts of research, including but not limited to Celtic mythology, steampunk, and the Edwardian era. I don't think I can do this for Nano; it'll drive me absolutely crazy.
I might just go where the wind takes me when it comes to Nano. If I try to plot and outline, I just get myself into deep crap like what I did above ^^;.