Sep 05, 2009 14:21
First of all, to all the new LJ friends who had added me a while ago and I only just now added you back -- yeah, my bad :p Nothing personal, I wasn't sitting around with a pro/con list debating whether or not we could be friends. I just fail that hard at keeping up with my notifications. I don't get emails when someone friends me (and prefer it that way), but that also means I often don't even notice someone has done so until weeks later when I get bored enough to look over my own profile page and notice the "Also Friend Of:" list. Whoops! Anyway, I'm all caught up with y'all now and excited to enjoy the new TV season with you guys <3
So it's the long weekend and instead of going back to NYC or out to Arizona or trotting around LA like I usually do every year on this weekend, I'm sitting at home telling myself I can use this time to finish packing for the move and (most importantly) finally start making some headway in my studying. Except that I've done none of that. Shocking. This is what happens, okay - it's the start of the new semester and also the last few weeks of TV hiatus. These are NOT good weeks for my productivity, because my brain is finally reaching the brink of impatience over waiting for new episodes of my shows while at the same time school is not yet intense enough to scare me into making a real effort. So even though I have a 4-day weekend here to get ahead in my studies, I'm probably just going to continue sitting here all day and all night, refreshing every website pertaining to my favorite shows as if they will suddenly and magically provide me updated news/spoilers/photos that weren't there when I last refreshed 30 seconds before. My life is incredibly exciting, isn't it?
But like I said, this is just how it is in these last few weeks of hiatus. Premiere week coincides oh-so-rudely with my first week of exams AND moving into the new house, so everything will get really busy and thrilling in both fandom and real life at the same time.
general rambling