mmmm i love soccer. yes i do!

May 03, 2005 22:26

so i was ball girl. oh do i adore being ball girl. it is always a joyous and pleasant experience i long to do for every varsity game!!! but somehow everytime i'm done being ball girl i say "i'm never doing that AGAIN." i don't know if its the crowds yelling at you, the keeper screaming at you, or the coaches. tonight i'd have to say the coach.

well 5 seconds left. goes out on u-high. i'm running down the field trying to follow the play. i don't get there in time. i get "the look" from him and hes like megan help us out here come ON! you have to help us out! and i'm just looking at him like i'm sorry i'm trying i'm really not out to make varsity lose. and i throw the ball to ellis or someone i don't even know. and hes like well too late now megan. and i just look at him like shut the ef up. and hes like yeah i know i know...but a goal would've been nice wouldn't it?? extremely sarcasticly...more sarcastic than me. and i'm pretty sarcastic sometimes. it gets me into trouble a lot of the time actually.

agh and he gives me this look like go burn in hell you stupid unimportant jv player. needless to say i am probably just overly sensitive but oh i wanted to cry. he made me feel like it was ALL my fault varsity couldn't score another point in TWO SECONDS. because we all know that if only i would have gotten the ball in, how easy it would have been to score in literally two friggin' seconds against normal u-high. my friggin bad coach.

that was overly long and dramatic. i meant to just mention how upset he made me. but i like to write and i tend to go on and on. all i really needed to mention was what he said in front of everybody...the team, the principals.

lol lindsay made me feel better. she was like well last time i was ball girl he very specifically said "very poor job lindsay. very poor job." and then she was on the other side of the field like spacing out and twirling the ball while the keeper was screaming for it.

i would also like to say soccer has made my feet smell. my feet never used to smell. even after running 3 miles in wet grass at six in the morning...every other day in cross country feet would never smell. now i can't get rid of the friggin nastiness. i guess it would help if i showered on a more to day basis. also, from my experience in playing soccer for a whole uh...3 months maybe. i have also learned:
  1. how to put on shin guards (the day before try outs i was wondering if i was wearing them right)
  2. (ooh i especially like this one) shin guards go UNDER your socks usually. yeah i had to call mikka on that one. also the day before try outs.
  3. wacking the ball really hard up the field is quite fun and gets out your agressions quite well
  4. shape. first day...definately very confused on 'i got ball' 'i'm balance' 'push left' 'i'm back' 'i'm up'
  5. lingooo: 'keeper' is the cool soccer kids way of saying "goalie," 'switch fields' 'pk' (oh this ones cute) 'boots' i already knew that from visiting london but it makes me really happy when ppl say "lace up your boots," 'overlap' all of these words i was totALLY lost on.

i have learned much and i'm proud of myself for going into something i had absolutely no idea about. that is not like me at all...or maybe it is now.

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