I kind of disappeared. x.x Well I'm back!! Saturday I went to my first Arizona doll meet! It was big, though it wasn't a shock after the doll meets at the Texas cons I've been too (AnimeFest and A-kon) and I know there are LOTS of doll owners here. Except for getting lost...it was nice. ^^ I only knew two people, tasu and D, and I admit to following around tasu and mostly just playing with her and my dolls. xD There were lots of cute ones there though! I'm just shy about talking to strangers and definitely asking if I can pose their dolls. ^.^;
I forgot to get new camera batteries so wouldn't you know my camera died before I got many pictures. :( They were taken indoors and need quite a bit of editing, and I'm busy getting ready for Anime Expo ::coughstylingcosplaywigscough:: so I'll post them after the con, along with a shoot of Mae's new strawberry dress and any doll pics I may take at the con. ^^
Until then check out tasu's pics of
The Frills Club!!
I snagged that fur wig for just $1 at the swap meet xD It's a perfect fit! I think it'll go better with casual outfits than a frilly dress like this though. After I get a couple paychecks, I fully intend to buy her some new wigs and eyes for her birthday come August. ^^