
Jun 04, 2016 00:00

Hi! You can call me Mae. So happy to know about livejournal cause I've been searching everywhere for Arashi videos. How could I become obsessed about them so late!!! I'm such a late bloomer.LOL. But it's never too late to be an ARASHI fan.

I have fallen in love with each member of Arashi---first, during the Hanadan series, of course, who wouldn't croon for Matsumoto-san. Then I watched Maou and fell deeply in love with Riida---Ohno-san, Nino-san for Gantz, Stand Up!, Door to door (and many more), and for Sho-san, definitely Quiz Show 2 and Kazuko Game. Aiba-san....what can I say, he's the one who finally got my heart ^__^ I love watching him in variety shows; I love his baka-yet-kawaii moments, his passion and energy...ahhh...everything about him.

Aside from Arashi, I like cats very much. I am a proud cat person though I like dogs too and furry animals in general.

I like anime and J-drama as well. Aside from Arashi, I like Kat-tun, Hey, Say, Jump!, Sekai no Owari, Ikuta Toma, Narimiya Hiroki, Fujiwara Tatsuya etc.

I also like Kpop (boys group only though LOL)

Well, just discovered how to change this entry today LOL so baka of me. Anyways, hope to post more in the future.

Nice to meet you all!

myself, introduction

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