Jul 24, 2009 11:49
Recent reads:
After 113 remarkable years Henry Allingham, the world's oldest man, passes into history. And he wasn't just the world's oldest man. As the article points out, He was one of the last three surviving British veterans of the First World War, the last surviving founder member of the RAF, the last man to have witnessed the Battle of Jutland and the last surviving member of the Royal Naval Air Service.
Betelgeuse: The incredible shrinking star? As much as I'd like to believe this, it's not Michael Keaton's fault.
Carnivorous clock eats bugs. I could use one of those around my kitchen window where the ants come in. Pest control and environmentally friendly!
Human Spear Likely Cause Of Death Of Neandertal. The meeting didn't go well, obviously. (Thanks to jamesenge for the heads up.)
Letting His Words Trouble Our Thoughts: On How to Read Wendell Berry, Modern America's Prophet of the Evitable. About my favorite Appalachian / environmental poet.
A list of corporate lobbying in America. The top contenders, with dollar amounts.
Massive quake moves New Zealand closer to Australia. But I'll bet the air fares will stay the same.
Mysterious, Glowing Clouds Appear Across America’s Night Skies. Adding to the mystery, Noctilucent clouds were first observed in 1885 by an amateur astronomer. No observations of anything resembling noctilucent clouds before that time has ever been found. There is no lack of observations of other phenomena in the sky, so atmospheric scientists are fairly sure that the phenomenon is recent, although they are not sure why..
'Stoned wallabies make crop circles'. Never mind the article; I just loved the headline.
Street Farmer. Creating soil from waste with the help of worms and muscle.
Vinland Map of America no forgery, expert says. Then again, let's not jump to conclusions.
Wireless power system shown off. Nikola might be so proud.
Words To Live By: Author/physician Shigeaki Hinohara. Advice on life and living by a 97-year-old fellow who's still active and practicing.
political crap,
worlds oldest man,
carnivorous clock,
noctilucent clouds,