Link Soup

Mar 17, 2008 17:24

  • My new favorite headline, from the Washington Post: Skywalkers In Korea Cross Han Solo. I'll bet somebody waited their whole life to create a headline like that!

  • The Journey of Mankind: A nifty and partially interactive map detailing human migrations over the last 160,000 years. (And I still want to do a personal DNA test--preferably patrilineal since I know the least about my Dad's side of the family, Plantagenets notwithstanding.)

  • Terry Pratchett funds Alzheimer's Study. I'm pretty sure everyone who would be reading this journal has seen this already, but I thought I'd post it just in case.

  • A good roundup of Eliot Spitzer's hypocrisy by jaylake.

  • Study links terrorism, anti-war rhetoric. Two money shots not to be separated: the article says "Following months of data collection, Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the Kennedy School of Government and Radha K. Iyengar of the Harvard University Center for Government and International Studies determined that there was a 5-10 percent increase in insurgent attacks following a spike in anti-war rhetoric". Then it also points out "'It was not possible, from the data available, to determine whether insurgent groups increased the overall number of attacks against American and Iraqi targets in the wake of public dissent and debate or simply changed the timing of those attacks,' Monten and Inyengar find". (Thanks to jordan179 for the heads up.)

  • Veterans not entitled to mental health care, U.S. lawyers argue. An old one that I somehow missed. I'd be interested in seeing more details about this; the government's case is that it isn't denying mental health care altogether, of course, but that it picks and chooses. I'd be interested in seeing its rubric for picking and denying.

  • Frozen remains of WWII airman identified. I love mysteries, but I do like their solutions even more.
  • links, stuff, headlines, terrorism, wwii, politics, veterans

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