Title: Don’t You Dare Look Back
madwomanpoemsPairings: Jo/Camille, Camille/Lucy
Rating: PG probably
Warnings: ANGST, some non-descript sexual activity
Disclaimer: This isn’t mine guys. I actually don’t own anything and I haven’t acquired anything and I’m just a big vat of nothing without even owning the vat.
Word count: ~5,500
Summary: Camille’s phone bings
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that was a bizarre tangent that i just went on.
i apologize.
but that's kind of how it is in my btr/spn fic that i'm going to be writing for the recast big bang. they both feel for each other, they just never acted on it, mostly because Jo held back and just. it's really heartbreaking when i think about it and i hate myself for even putting them through that but afjd it's SPN and everything needs to be tragic.
and now we're even on the random tangent lol
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