My Sparkly BFF Is More Awesome Than Your Sparkly BFF <3

Sep 02, 2010 16:13

I think that every body needs a little happy this week. Because it's been a long damn week, frankly.

So I am gonna explain this story about how my closest friend, K, is the most awesome boy ever.
Our friend Patrick was explain his love dilemma that we still don't quite understand... But the way he explained it at first had me making inappropriate girl on girl hand gestures. So it came time that Keaton drew THIS little diagram
(That I recreated because I am avoiding my essay.)

After some careful deliberation, K amended the diagram as so because it was the only logical solution:

I like him.

Also, things that are beautiful.

(shut up. all of you.)

(i'm making a tshirt of this. no lie.)

Impromptu Erin/Katelyn AU superhero fic... What even?
By and large, Katelyn appreciated this cover more than she'd ever liked any of the others. Because the others were-- let's just say, being a singer suited her style way more than being a hit woman or a lawyer or working in an ice cream store.

Ok. She had secretly liked the last one.

She was also pretty sure that Erin had secretly liked the first...

Honestly, Katelyn hated exercising. But Erin refused to wear her shorts if they didn't run four times a week. Which was ridiculous, when you really thought about it too hard, as they couldn't fall out of shape no matter how hard they tried. That didn't really matter to Erin because she insisted on exercising and throwing out all junk food that Katelyn brought in the house. She also made them do yoga.

Katelyn was currently stuck on her back and watching Erin bend in ways that she wouldn't have thought the human body bent, super human or no. Normally, Katelyn would have had no complaint with this. Period. But she was stuck laying on the floor because she had the end all, be all of butt cramps. And Erin's only advice was to "breathe through the pain."

She let a deep breath of rage out of her nose and focused all of her attention on Erin's thighs.

"That's a girl. Just keep breathing."

Katelyn wanted to get up and tackle Erin to the ground for the snotty little smirk she gave with her advice. She was stuck on the ground, because apparently yoga was her kryptonite. "I hate you," she seethed through her teeth.

Erin struck a particularly difficult and interesting pose.

"No you don't."

Katelyn powered through the cramp and went to lay in the bed. She was not the in mood anymore.


Erin came an hour later wearing nothing but a fluffy white towel.

Well. Sometimes simple things can say sorry very well.

"Hey," she said softly when she sat down, her brown hair freshly dried and falling onto her shoulders. That was really the only thing that Katelyn missed about their adventures in being rock journalists. She liked Erin's natural hair color: rose red.

It wasn't the only thing Katelyn missed about home.

Erin laid a hand on her back and started rubbing in smooth circles. "What's wrong?"


She smiled softly, "Liar."

Katelyn turned over and mumbled into her pillow, "Homesick."

"I know. And I'm sorry. But we have to be here. You know the mission. And this gig is better than the last one, right?"

In some catastrophic misplacing of identities, Katelyn had been a sewage engineer. She spent way too much time in the sewer for either of them to be happy.

"I guess. I just get tired of hiding who we are."

Erin snuggled up around her, like they always did, arms tight and hands everywhere.

"I know. I do too."

Katelyn wasn't sure how much time had past when she turned to a half-asleep Erin, "How long do you think we'll be able to hide our identities?"

"I don't know," she yawned, "but we should hold out here pretty long. I mean, we've kept our relationship secret for this long."


I am really really really insane guys.

katelyn/erin: are so obvious that it's a, teen angst, erin: grammar and girl gropes, i am a crazy pants, big time obsession, fanfiction, i love you, katelyn: a goddess and a guitar, fuck html

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