I'm Blowin' My Dough and Goin' Deluxe

May 21, 2010 14:18

 How the hell do I always forget how much I love Newsies? I always go too long without watching it and forget how epic it is. Seriously.
Things I love?

- How Pulitzer and Wiesel ship Jack and David. Yeah. They totally do. 
- How pretty much everyone is in love with Jack. Especially Blink and Mush. (Seriously, as much as I love Blush, why has no one explored those Jack infatuations?)
- How much I love Jack. He's my favorite fictional character. Ever. It's a little embarrassing. 
- The score. Not just the musical numbers. 
- How completely fascinating Jack finds David when they're in Pulitzer's office. 
- How Sarah and Jack's rooftop conversation can easily be viewed as Jack trying to get information about David. 
- How completely ridiculous it is that Jack shushes Sarah right before they start using a PRINTING PRESS. 
- How many times Jack and David almost start making out/How many times they unnecessarily grope each other. 
- The sets. 
- That Jack and David are going to be the best parents ever. 
- Racetrack is adorable. 
- Jack and David are too cute to live when Jack comes back. 
- Jack and Racetrack are BFFs. 
- How boyish and rough and tumble they are. Even though they still sorta sparkle. 
- That after "High Times, Hard Times" the plot makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE if you don't ship Jack and David. None I tell you.

Your favorite part. Tell me. If you haven't seen it, please go do so. Seriously. 

In other news, I really ought to fix my tags. 
I should also stop coughing up my lungs. This I don't think will happen in the near future. 

racetrack: cigars and loyalty, jack kelly: cowboy and white knight, newsies: slash and general badassery, javid: tale as old as time, david jacobs: a walkin' mouth

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