Dec 23, 2005 20:57
I'm back from ludicrous road trip adventures and on my first morning back I woke up from a strange dream. I usually do not remember my dreams at all, but, I've been spending alot of time thinking about dreams and such and as a result I'm starting to remember more and more of them, which should be good, especially since I woke up to this.
I was walking down a typical suburban neighborhood street in the middle of the night when a marauding group of old women came walking down the street hooting and hollering and carrying on. As they approached I asked what the cause of all the merriment was. "We're tripping on Mescaline!!" was the chorus response I got back from some followed by, "You want some!?" "Uh, well, sure." I said, and they handed me a handfull of these little amber colored transucent rectangles about 2mm x 2mm x 10mm with the MESCALI printed on the sides. So, I took a bunch and within about 30 seconds was tripping my ass off and proceeded to spend the rest of the dream running amok through the streets with these crazy old ladies.
Very weird.
Beyond that, the first leg of my trip to Iowa was cool, much good working out, and much good partying with Lurch, who I didn't have the chance to catch back up with before I left. Wednesday we drove out from Iowa City to Detroit, got home, passed out, then woke up Thursday morning to a hellacious amount of snow. I have pictures of the snowfall, it was gorgeous. We decided that before we headed out, we should have some hot tub time. Not one to miss hot tub time, I gladly hopped in and had some really good coffe while we watched the snow fall, which accumulated about a foot that day.
We ended up being delayed and didn't leave Detroit 'til about 6 or 7 in the evening, endured some really stale traffic which made our trip longer than it needed to be and put us into Richmond at a little after 7 friday morning. As soon as I stepped out of the car I wanted to move there, it was in the 50's with nothing but blue skies and sunshine the whole time! It was really beautiful, half the trees are still green down there!!!!!!
We took a nap at the school there for a few hours, then got woken up for class. Worked out a great deal, passed out again after class for a few hours, got woken up again for the even class, worked out even more, then headed over to the director, Dave's house to crash. We got up Saturday at somewhere around 5-ish to prepare for the days shooting schedule. We shot test shots and auditions all day including a totaly awesome disembowlment scene in which Zach even took a bite out of some real pig guts we used for the scene.
All in all, Dave is an amazing director and I can't wait to see what the final shoots are going to look like when production starts. We used some fairly low budget gear for test shooting, but we're getting a full on HD digital production camera setup for the actual shoot. It should be rockin' considering that the test footage looked awesome.
Way more things happened that I may get into later, I'm still really out of it from all the lack of sleep and travel.
Tonight is the Yule Party here at Porphyria, so, if you're in the neighborhood, or have nothing else going on, come on down.