Apr 01, 2010 06:24
i think all bullying is wrong. but as long as the parents of said bullies refuse to believe their little darlings can do no wrong or encourage bullying there is little the schools can do to stop it. bullying is abuse plain and simple and like most abuse it can be passed down from the parents.
there is a good chance that if little Billy is a bully then his dad and/or mom was one in school as well.
any one who says bullying is no big deal has never been bullied. it hurts, it hurts on a level that goes deep and sometimes never heals. if you wonder why sometimes kids go crazy and shoot up their schools good chance there were being bullied. it is up to parents to stop bullying. if your child is being bullied get them out of that school, home school them if you have to but protect them. find out who the kids are and what others kids they are bullying and see if you can sue the bullies parents, that may be the only way to stop it with out someone getting hurt. if you find out your child is bullying others stop them.
i told my son that i had better never find out that he was bullying others. so far he is the one defending kids from bullies , and i am very proud of him for doing so.
school should be the one place other than home where your kids should feel safe, lets see if we can make it so for all kids.