Experiment 34 [Video:Accidental]

Jul 05, 2009 22:49

[The com clicks on to an empty office. Moments later A and B come dancing onto the screen. The two little puppets are tossing a random piece of metal back and forth. If anyone looks closer, they can see the parts of the collar strewn about.

The collar is in so many small parts that it's obvious that it has been completely dismantled. The bottles from before are also around, well most of them. Some seem to be missing and others seem to be empty.

A and B continue playing with the various mechanical parts while chatting, still not aware that the com is on]

[A] Little Washu is grumpy.

[B] She needs a vacation.

[A] She's been neglecting her inventions to help people.

[B] Some people don't seem to appreciate it.

[A] They are stupid.

[B] Oh well! They should ask someone else to fix them.

[Suddenly Washu's voice is heard off screen]

What are you two doing!? How many times have I told you not to play catch with that! I need those components in good condition if I'm ever to use them!

[ Her hand is seen taking something from B and setting it off to the side. There's a longer pause before the hand comes towards the camera.]

Somehow  you two turned on the communicator.  I thought I banned you from it.

[A] We didn't know!

[B] It was an accident!

[There's a soft sigh as she clicks off the com.]

washu needs a break, she's hidding, playthings, a and b

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