Jun 15, 2005 22:41
Using Steven Colley's Tune-Up in Six Easy Steps:
1. Remove the included CD from its cleverly placed holder on the front jacket. Listen to Track 1.
2. Go to the table of contents and find the bit about humming along with pitches and finding what "in tune" feels and sounds like. Skip to that bit and read it.
3. Replace the CD in its cleverly placed holder on front jacket.
4. Throw away both the book and the CD.
5. Obtain Dr Ross Walter's CD of drone pitches that was handed out to the Low Brass Studio and the whole of SWE in the fall semester of 2004.
6. Apply what you learned in #2 to Dr Walter's CD.
i've been rather unproductive since school let out. in the first few weeks i devoured like four hundred books, and now i'm working on my uncle's old college literature book, a tome full of gems by hemingway and hawthorne and such. my days consisted of waking up after noon and playing halo for about six or seven hours straight, then when my brother and sister got home from school i would read a book until adult swim came on, which i would watch until the anime started, then i would go to sleep and the cycle would repeat itself. very nice. until my brother started bitching about how i do nothing all day, and even i started feeling like i was turning a bit into josh, so i called up the old burger joint where i used to work and have been in hell ever since. it's good to be home, but i wish i were in richmond.
i pulled out my mouthpiece a few minutes ago and buzzed a warm-up. it didn't hurt too bad or feel as weird as it has like before when i've had breaks, but then when i put a horn to my face it neither felt nor sounded very good, and i got discouraged and worked with dr walter's drone cd instead, humming along with it. i can't believe what a long way i've come with being able to recognise where the important intervals need to lie, like major and minor thirds and perfect fifths and all.
blah blah blah.