For Anke

Feb 07, 2009 16:51

Today I found out that one of my roommates from Germany found my journal and read all of the angry things I said about her!  I am so incredibly embarrassed.  Anke, if you are reading this please know that I was just angry because I was so lonely a lot and took it out sideways.  I do not harbor any bad feelings anymore.  I am so, so sorry that you read that!  I really look back at my time in Freiburg as a wonderful adventure.

And now I will write in German, which may go poorly since I don't get to use my German that often and I never was that great at it anyway, but here we go.  If you are reading this Anke, this is intended for you!


Hallo Anke?  Anke von Freiburg?

Wie hast du mein Journal gefunden?

Mach nichts ueber was ich frueher geschrieben habe.  Tut mir leid, dass du meine boese Woerter gelesen hast!  Ich war ganz anders damals auch.  Ich habe meine Familie und Freunde so vermisst, dass ich oft sehr ungluecklich war.  Bitte verzeih mich!  Es hat mich gefreut, dich kennenzulernen.

Es freut mich auch sehr, dass du mich gefunden hast!  Hast du auch ein Journal? 
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