ACL day one

Sep 15, 2007 11:59

Yesterday I left my house at 3:15 in an effort to get to ACL by 4:30. We drove, we parked at my dads house, we walked down the hill, followed the mob of sweaty people, and ended up "in line" for about 30 minutes. The line was more like a slowly moving mass, and because there weren't really definitive lines, people didn't seem to see the problem in pushing their way to the front. We aren't at the stage yet people, wait your turn.

Once we got in we high-tailed it to the Dell stage to see M.I.A., but she was scheduled to come on at 5:30, not 4:30. My bad.
So we walked around and lost our awesome spot and ended up in the back (by the time she did come on) where the sound didn't really reach. We moved closer, but couldn't really see her except when she was at the very edge of the stage.
At one point in the show, she said something about having "7 months left" and "where are all my baby-daddies at?" Is M.I.A. preggers?
Near the end of her set, she invited some people up on the stage. I'm sure she was expecting 5 or so people, but that didn't really work out. It was mayhem. Tons of people stormed the stage, security freaked out, and everyone was crowding around M.I.A. trying to touch her and get a picture with her. I took the opportunity to get closer, and I got a few good pictures of her.
One creepster told me that there was an afterparty at The Beauty Bar and M.I.A. was playing. I didn't believe him, and I can't get into the Beauty Bar anyway. I was wrong. Fuck.
Ian left early to get some food and see the beginning of Queens of the Stone Age. I wondered around the food area looking for something that sounded appetizing in the heat. Everything was meat and cheese with fried pieces and cheesy-meat fries. Not really what you want to eat when standing in the blazing sun. I ended up caving in, and went for the shortest line, where I bought a meat pie. I know. What the fuck was I thinking.
At Queens I sat on the ground and listened passively. Saw some friends from high school. Got a sweet leaf tea, which rocked.
After Queens I turned around and looked at the other stage, where Kaiser Chiefs were starting. They were really good! Good energy, good sound, pretty fun show! I danced as much as one can dance while lounging in the grass.
Then we turned around again to see the beginning of The Killers, but the intro was so bloody pretentious I doubt we would have made it through the first song. Jeez, those guys are pricks.
So off we went to see Bjork. We missed the beginning, sort of a bummer. And Ian left after about 15 minutes because he was tired. So I stood around all by my lonesome and watched the big screen.
Bjork was good. Her costume was cool. The green laser beams were nifty. Her weird dancing/prancing on stage was funny and cute. Her horn section was a bunch of adorable blond ladies in puffy neon outfits.
Leaving was not fun, but taking an end-of-day shower was.

I'm planning on getting there at 4:00 today to see St. Vincent. Yay.
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