Ramen 101: An introductory lecture to the ubiquitous udon
T.C. MitchellAnchorage Daily News
Sept. 27, 2005 12:00 AM
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Welcome, students, to Ramen Noodles 101.
As I stroll across our small universe -- i.e., the university -- I've encountered references to this class as "Ramnoo."
As much as I would like to take offense with that moniker, I'm compelled to agree with you in the sense that ramen noodles, as you know them, exist because of their abbreviation. Short cooking time. Satiation. advertisement
Ramen noodles, however, have more depth than you thought yesterday.
Food historians tend to agree the Japanese are responsible, if you will, for ramen noodles. It's been reported that the Chinese stole the noodles.
The studies continue. How could anyone not continue? How could the exploration not continue? The conflagration burns yet.
Forgive me, I confess to overtitillating you regarding the beginning of noodles.
Eyes forward, please. Perhaps you could eat that bag of chips between classes. Or not here.
Thank you.
Ramen noodles are complex in their simplicity, yet simple in their complexity.
There's no need to write that down.
All that statement does is illustrate the known; i.e., that philosophy assumes logic.
Let me break that concept down further.
Where is the practical, you might ask.
Practical thrives in that maelstrom created by the forces of logic and philosophy. That's why we're here. Isn't it? Or did you think this could be an easy three credits?
If you assume I am correct -- and you must, or kiss your precious three credits goodbye -- logic is the instigator of ramen noodles in your life.
As you will see on the board to your right, the nutritional value is suspect. The carbohydrates sate. At what cost the other values?
Follow me as I suggest a formula for the formula that explains.
And you should make notes.
E expediency,
K cost,
W water,
H heat source,
P a place to eat.
I like to call it Ekwhap. You can devise your own way of remembering.
Now let's explore the philosophy, the thinking, if you will, behind the influence ramen noodles have on us, you and me.
Ramen noodles are vast. Like a vapor. Built by elements we are unable to grasp. We can hold air in our hands, but do we feel it? Do we appreciate it?
I suspect our society -- us, you, me -- accepts ramen noodles in those plastic-wrapped packages as being infinite. I grant you they are ubiquitous, but I can assure they are not infinite.
You may feel like you hold them. My question to you is: Do they hold you?
While you ponder that, please open "101 Things to Do With Ramen Noodles" to any page.
I'd like to share snippets of a conversation with the author, Toni Patrick, who has devoted some of her life to ramen noodles.
"The cookies throw people off."
Did you hear that? That's infinity clashing with the finite. Philosophy feasting on logic.
"I got hooked on them during college. I bought them a case at a time."
That was then for her, us, you, me. That time of exuberance and poverty.
Now ..."when I'm asked to a potluck, they always want me to bring the sweet-and-sour salad. It's a favorite everywhere I go."
Is it possible she's suffering from postpartum collegia?
After all, she now lives in the stoplightless netherworld where northwest Colorado meets southeast Wyoming.
"Up here, it's steak and potatoes."
Is that philosophy or logic or resignation?
"I make what I'm in the mood for. One of my favorites is egg drop soup."
Students, has she embraced the battle of forces, or is she defying it?
"Another favorite of mine is chicken lo mein."
It's clear. Defiance. Patrick has looked philosophy in the eye and scoffed in the face of logic.
She's embraced another culture in a place where cowboys can be lonely and noodles afraid.
Is it possible ramen noodles stabilize her?
Does she, we, you, find solid ground in a bowl of such limpness?
I wonder. Do you? What cost, ramen noodles?
Very well, then, I want 500 words of your thoughts about ramen noodles and the impact, if any, at this time Friday when we discuss the packets and whether they make the noodles taste better or whether they make you feel better.
Or both.