Jan 20, 2009 23:50
Ok, I guess my allergy medication interacted with my Valium last night. Maybe I still had some Dayquil in my system. Maybe some Benedryil from the weekend as well. Oh, and maybe those two glasses of whiskey and sprite I had with dinner. I guess it all just mushed up into one giant cocktail of crazy.
I had a dream about talking to a lamp in Spanish, only to slowly "wake up" and realize all of the lights were on in my room, I was fully clothed, my chair was upside down, and all of my text books were laid out neatly covering my bed spread. Yeah, I don't know either, but I've done some weird things while sleep walking before like trying to throw a friend over a third story balcony while yelling "YOU WON'T GET THE TV!" when he woke me up to get a borrowed DVD back. Apparently I posted something here, and on another internet forum about how Obama should use the Angry Black Man stereotype to ruin oil speculation and if anyone protests a black president, then they need to be ready for at least one black man to get angry at them in return, and not expecting that to happen is stupid. I was certain this would help race relations on the whole by destroying the fear of an Angry Black Man.
On the flip side, I think I was honestly dreaming because it certainly FEELS like I've had six hours of sleep. I apologize to anyone who read that, I did not find it to be profound as much as mildly insane. I do wonder if I was actually speaking to the lamp, or just mumbling and shuffling things around randomly. I'll never know.