Finished my colour wheel. It's pretty, except for the shades of green. Rather off-looking, but I'm short of artblock at the moment. No spare to make spares. Handphone also bore the brunt of my paint attack - it's spotted with dubious shades of brown thanks to the glorious mix of colour.
While JL has promised to look out for a ciplak version of Freehand for me, I've asked my aunt to look up legit copies. Uh, maybe I'm not well-acquainted with buying software, but you want to know why we resort to pirated copies of software,
Mr. Dowdell? Some of us just AREN'T willing to fork out a whopping 1.4k for the program. Even if I'm going to be using it for donkey's years to come - and I get the feeling I WILL - the price was enough to make me stop in my tracks, clutch my heart and remove my glasses.
(To give a sense of comparison, 1.4 K is two years angpow haul, maybe three, and 70% of what Ultra Black cost the family)
If Mr. Eathan asks us to get the rest of the programs we use in CG, somehow or other one of the family men is going to open the gates of hell. I already had trouble extracting money for printer cartridges from Dad. (read: He wouldn't pay, and I had to get my allowance back from Mom. She wasn't too chuffed about it.) Oh hell, at least I have Adobe PS Elements on tap.