Um guys? Remember I said a few days ago I found a way to get back on's bulletin boards to discuss Ultraman? I also popped into an Ultra Ninja Manual site, and...and...and...
If you look at post 227 of
this thread you'll notice this post...
Without any other intentions, a couple of days after I opened up this thread, by chance I came across UNPC and when I read it
I got so hooked on Dyna
that I even thought I wanted to be violated by him
My even _having_ such an interest...
This is bad, man...
_| ̄|○<俺ヤベー
I'm in trouble~
Y'know, the Komoriuta MSing sort off broke down my last defences on yaoi (hence I am no longer a closet defender of 585,) but this...this brings me one step closer to explain what Dyna-shihan might have meant when he said Balkie was the junior he used to be most fond of. *puke*
Oh, and...Guess what the cherry (no pun intended) on the cake is. Post 233, that's what.
Even I want to *** Tiga
*hysterics* Tiga's eight years old! I don't dare to think of more than very shounen shitei-ai* between Dyna and the boy, no matter how cute (in both senses) both of them are! Good lord, we have paedophiles on our hands...*shiver*
*shitei-ai : self-concocted term describing the close relationship between a master/teacher and disciple/student of any gender. Taken from the compound 'master and disciple'. Perfectly innocent parameters.
...Suddenly, writing Ultra Ninja Manual fanfic has taken a back role to washing my eyes out with soap...
(Edit - Used my 1337 Japaneze skeelz to correct some translations. Thank goodness Dyna is seme as that suits his chara more...って、それじゃなくてっ!!!)