1. What's with all these Choose Your Own Adventure fics? 'Scuse me, this is Fanfiction.net, not ChooseYourOwnAdventurefiction.net. I'm going to assume they're appealing because you get to be the Mary Sue and Have Relationships With The Pretty Guys. *shiny shoujo sparkles*
2. Ladies (I'm assuming 90% of Saific authors are authoresses, due to the aforesaid appeal of pretty boys and sex), if you can't even summarize your fic, then why the heck should I assume you can even write? These are your ideas in your words with your style, so...! The job of the summary on FF (or on your site) is to entice the reader to read your piece of cra....ft. If Hakkai is brooding in the rain, SAY 'It's raining again, and guess who's brooding?' (Reader: I wanna find out! let's read!) If Goku and Sanzo are having a deep talk in an alternate universe, SAY 'Sanzo and Goku discuss X. AU.' if Kamisama is screwing Gojyo, just say, flat out, 'Kamisama has his fun with Gojyo (Kamisama x Gojyo)' because I think if you're writing an obscure pairing like that, obviously you want comments on your 1337 slashy skills.
3. Grammar is not, to quote from somewhere, the woman who gave birth to your mother. It must be used, or M2000 will get angry. Oh wait, you wouldn't mind that, 'cause I leave NEGATIVE reviews and chide your grammar! Oh yes, no, you're just going to churn out the crap as long as you can get squeebly reviews praising your masterful treatment of Gojyo crying in Goku's arms like a sweet widdle baby or your *gasp* stunning Mary Sue skilfully charming her way into Sanzo's heart!
Sorry. Just snarking like a jealous pig because no-one's left a review on Shunbara on FF.net. The het shipper in me feels deadly unappreciated ^^;