*huff puff* I did something useful for the fandom last night - FINALLY GOT SUNAGIMO TO JOIN PAINTCHAT AGAIN. *flops down on face* During the rare times I catch her online, it's usually late at night on weekends while I'm paintchatting. After which this conversation will ALWAYS follow:
S: You're paintchatting?
M: O yes. Come join, come join!
S: No, no...I'll only be causing trouble, anywhere someone out there isn't too fond of me
M: _So?_ No really, it's cool, there's only me and F&S (and Homura/Gizzy/Takane/Kurage).
S: No, no, I'd be in the way
M: ...*gives up* I don't understand this woman...
Last night, o joy of joys, she was online! As usual Mweeble went OMG*pounce* and started talking to her. And of course, the usual formula...
S: You're paintchatting?
M: Yep. *doesn't want to ask her if she wants to join this time because, well, see above*
(insert a lot of ramble, including Sunagimo's comp freezing up and Mweeble pimping Tsubame-Yin@DA)
S: So whatcha drawin now? :)
M: ...Zombies.
S: Wha--
S: Zombies?
S: Why...
http://img213.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/5/5/5/8/cpdfx684-img600x451-1146652658img_5894.jpgM: I saw that and died. (Note: That's not one hand holding the Slugger *squee*)
M: So now I am poking the unconscious F&S-san. (Because I scared her out of her wits, apparently)
S: Eeeee
S: You guys all right over there? *lol*
S: I wonder if it's OK if I join in...
S: Just to look, even...
M: I'm telling ya to git on over here, woman! *l*
M: They'll be pretty darn chuffed for sure
M: Even though nobody's a zombie any more
S: Can I join in?
M: (in English) YES! _What have I been trying to tell you for months on end? -____-+_
So off she goes, into paintchat, and, of course, everyone freaks out. In the good way, because hey, this is The Slash Artist. M.Y. sits at her laptop, watching Sunagimo's avatar chase the oh-so-kyoote M78 Gizzy around, pretending to be exasperated but secretly brimming with a secret and Mary-Sueish pleasure.
M: See, told you they'd be happy. Fufufufu.
S: Yeah...I'm glad~
M: Hold your head high, senpai!
S: Y-Yes!
Baka senpai. Yet so cute. I'm always proud to have known her. XD
Thus began a long round of amida paintchatting, with the results being a sinfully cute Taro (F&S), a prim and proper yet snappy Moebius (Gizzy), Tiga+Nexus crossover to try out something of
ursulav's scribbly style (Thanks for the tutorial dude! ^^) and a really cool Agul (Sunagimo, of course). Lost sleep and almost got chewed out by Dad, but heck it was worth it. How often do you get to shove someone back into an integral fandom activity? On a bit of a tangent, F&S is making efforts now to draw the 'skin' style (read: canon!Ultras and not personifications). Feel the skin love! SKINSHIP! :D
I forgot to ask everyone for uploading rights (YACK!) but the 'scribbly' Tiga is in my
DA account. I seem to be trying new styles every time I go paintchatting nowadays.
(EDIT: For all you Artgerm/Stanley Lau fans, he got
interviewed on DA.)