May 10, 2006 18:13

Grah, doing a 22-scene animation in one long gulp is HAWWWWD. But at least I've overcome the problem where the timing goes all over the place depending on how generous Noa is feeling with the RAM. AND it definitely makes it SOUND like stuff is getting done (3 scenes out of 24 = 12 %; 300-something frames out of 1000-something = 38%). でもお前らさぁ、ちょっっぴだけ冷たくないやろか。シーンを使う=罪悪ではないと思う。シーンはシン? 何ちゃって @_@

*is IMMEDIATELY bludgeoned by Neo Ul-Nin Nice for the sheer badness of THAT pun* Adooooooooooh.

Went to get my timetable today - and I saw kitmun on the way, too. Hee! What are the odds? ^^ So here it is, in all its glory. I just typed 'dual-versed glory'. I have not SAID dual-versed glory since I last did my ultra-tapes-peppered-with-commentary three to four years back.

MON - Online Media 1, 1400-1700, TT with EU/PL. Dunno these people, doesn't ring a bell. The only PL I know is supposed to be leaving when term starts. The combo will be easy to remember tho - TT? EU! PLs! *Nice bludgeons the Mweeble a second time*
TUE - Marker Visual 1, 0930-1330, SY, WJM. *breaks into huge grin* WE GOT SIO YUEN, WE GOT SIO YUEN! I was practically dancing down the stairs after consulting the SSD about the last YCLMS presentation. No matter how you swing it, this wll either confirm my insane lerve for him or destroy my ahem, obsession with SY.
WED - Free. Hay wasn't 1st year second term like this?
THU - Typography for Digital Media, 0900-1200, YT with JK/TL; Moral Ed, Va Nee, 1400-1700. Well, we ARE seeing Joanne - as a tutor. With Momo!Tuck Loong, it looks like. And ohno, crap, we're being LANtaked again this term. The plus side is that my whole gang gets to meet at least once a week, huzzah...with the exception of Constance. DAMN J00 WOMAN WHY HAF YU TAKEN MORAL AREDI?!
FRI - Creative Thinking And Concept Development, 1030-1200, Margaret; Interactive Media, 1400-1600, Su Weii with NMM/PL. Never heard of Margaret, wonder how this class is gonna turn out. And late classes on Friday?! *sadface* Well, at least it's a late class with Su Weii....Hey, they didn't print the venue on this thing! @_@
SAT - Basic Photography, 1230-1430, Adam Seow. Fark the what?! I don't mind coming to classes on Saturday, early, even, but if it's in the middle of the day can you imagine the *stink* me paternal unit is going to raise?! GOD I NEED TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE...or at least be allowed to take a bus. Otherwise I'll be spending 6 hours in coll on Saturdays...(do the math, folks.)

I saw Trashcan Soldier (you TOA-ites may know him should you see/have seen examples of Dadaism costume designs) and he gave a lot of tips - without any encouragement, might I add. Funny senpai. :) Only one thing worries me, though - you need an SLR camera for photography...whiiiiiich I do not have kthx. I wouldn't mind GETTING one had I the money to spare without going through parents who will ask all these funny questions...but let's see, where in my messy chapalang room would I put it? XD Anyone got one I could borrow?

Oh yeah, you bigshots? When someone says 'if you don't like the Whip, head for the opposition', I'm going to read that as 'if you're not going to be a coallition sheep, go to the opposition party where you will have less half a chance in shit of even being taken seriously. :D' I need to upload my shiny 3d asshat icon JUST for Parliament proceedings. >___

news, toa, malaysia, wtf, politics, college

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