(no subject)

Oct 06, 2005 12:16

Mitsui Hisashi. MITSUI Hisashi. 三井ひさし。 I have to remember this name, whoever it is and whether I know him already. It's important. Would you like to know WHY?

Last night I had only the most faboo dream in ages. I went to some bookstore - most possibly Kino or MPH - and there, in a cabinet-shelf, three whole rows of Ultra Ninja Manual! They were stacked by series and arranged by number and everything! LAAAWD, they were GORGEOUS. They were even selling complete series sets, and there I was debating aloud to myself whether to buy this set or just the few issues here and there. Total haul? Shippuu Ninja Manual 1 and 5, and Kotobuki 2. KOTOBUKI 2 HAS THE CUTE CHIBBIT TIGA KTHXBI. And I think there was even a guidebook, so I bought that. And then I saw some issues that didn't look like they really belonged (believe me, I KNOW what every single UNM cover jacket looks like.)

...It was a prequel to UNM by said Mitsui, and while it was buttugly, the plot looked very interesting. And there were a LOT of books! O_O

Pity that call from Ahmad prevented me from going back to sleep and trying to delve into its mysteries. Good LORD, I give you my e-mail so you can send it to me! If you had no access to a computer and connection, you sure as hell didn't raise any complaints! Had to go ask poor Sotong to help me pick it up. Can't get out of the house as the driver took the car to service ^^;\

Started reading Moby Dick recently. DEAR GODS! Melville is verbose beyond all possible comprehension. I read about 200 pages, and I can't stand to read anymore >_< Which is sad because I want to find out what happens to Queequeg, the strange pagan savage who observes Ramadan.

Speaking of which, I got a question for the Malays on my friends list. You know, since THE MONTH OF FASTING FROM DAWN TO DUSKthat was for you H Melville has started and all. You're supposed to keep yourself in a state of clean during the month, right? Say you were standing next to a bunch of anime fangirls and they were discussing sodomy at the top of their lungs (coughcoughNOTMEcoughcough), does it batalkan your puasa? O_o

(ETA: Oh shit. OH SHIT. Only now do I find out that Mitsui Hisashi is/was that 3-point shooter from Slam Dunk. That dream took a LOT of subconscious digging ^^;;;

From basketball player to disgusting mangaka. Wow, who'd'a thunk it? XD)

dreams, literature, manga, snark, m'sian studies, review, college

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