*random noise of incoherence*

Sep 10, 2005 21:41

The past two days have been..well, HAPPENING to say the least. For one thing, they changed our timetables on Friday, which lead to great howls of dissent. Hey, you'd howl with dissent too if your five-day week was suddenly turned into a six-day one. Today, they changed it AGAIN. Great. Half an hour for lunch on Monday now. Considering that it's the subject that's causing all this switching around of timetables, Lettering and Calligraphy better be damn veccing worth it.

Right, school proper. Let's see, Design III looks like it's going to be interesting. Chooi Peng(sp?) didn't actually SAY anything during the class, although Sotong@Tommy has told me she's a good lecturer with a stickler for details, but Chok Yan the guy has quite the impressive resume. Even worked on female product campaigns XD Short lesson about similarity and anomaly, and then the first assignment proper. Dear GODS, why is the first assignment always about cut-and-paste? >_< My tube of cement is probably all shrivelled and dried up by now. Mine never lasts long.

Long lunch hour, most of which was spent critiquing thumbs for IF's first assignment, but we made it to Malaysian Studies in time. You remember up till this point I've been very apprehensive about having Uthaya Sankar SB for a lecturer. My first thought when I saw him?

"...Cripes, he's SMALL!"

Yes, he's pretty um...travel-sized. Around my height, I believe. And he had all his hair slicked back a bit jeng-ly. But that aside, whaddya know? He's got a wicked, casual sense of humour, and things look like they might work out. He hasn't actually started teaching yet, so I'll reserve judgement on that for the moment. The final project is a group, and somehow we ended up with Carl. *OMGswtswtswtswt* There's also this friend of Zaruf's who I fear greatly resembles Zuhra. DEAR GOD NO NOT ANOTHER ONE. *swtswtswtswtswtSWTTTTT* Well, at least Ahmad is slightly more articulate than Zuhra. Not to mention his name is quite cool. XD

By the way? He let us out early, so me and Lammy went to moan over our seniors' English again in the gallery. Just what the hell is a nieve, I'd like to know. Any Guides reading this journal? Saw Numa2-senpai, gurned with her a bit, freaked her friend out with my version of a Dragostea Din Tei dance ('numa numa dance' in other words) and wondered if we could fit in the big bamboo jar in the gallery. And senpai? YOU'RE NOT FAT. 0______________0;;;

Today was CG, and we found out very quickly that Irzilla...I mean, IRWIN means BUSINESS. He's a big, straight-up no-nonsense kind of guy, quite a departure from say, Eathan and Michael. I think things should work out all right, though. Learned a little something about pointers...and then he let us go early too. AAAAAGH! I need a driving license. Or permission from the folks to take a bus. Ended up at McDs doing Tarot readings with trirose's Aleister Crowley deck. Royce was impressed to say the least.

Thank goodness even at this point friend-gangs are slowly merging, and at least I'm a little familiar with Ell. It will be lonely if I can't keep touch with Lamster and JL. :(

Got home, and am only now taking a bit of a break from Perspective. Trying to make my desk look a little used, but for some reason I can't set up a simple penholder. At time of writing, the wireless networks are playing hide-and-seek. Sunday, when I take Noa to Grandma's place and try to dl the last volume of the Super Collection UM OST. Kinda sad, tho - I got an incomplete zip which still included this extra song from the TD movie, which I was hoping would have some pairing-ish properties. It doesn't. I'm not impressed. And UltraNyan music? Hmph!

My hormones are peeing in my veins.

perspective, design, m'sian studies, rant, college

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