Iiiiit's been an eventful couple of days. Let's see, where'd I stop...
Monday was the day of the first HOAD presentation *insert impression of Munch's Scream here*, so took on the final preparations. Or rather, I flapped around like a headless chicken trying to scrounge up articles and finish the two masks for the Dadaism costumes. Got to school to find that Carl, *bless him*, did not bring the army shirt I'd asked to borrow from him. Thanks a lot, gun otaku...*veinpop* We pressed on regardless, and everyone showed up, so all was good. Too bad when Tommy and Zuhra put the masks on - i'd plotted them on my own facial dimensions - they were too fregging small. ^^;
The other groups did quite well, too - LS was quite impressed. Unfortunately, up went her expectations for the final project. *clutches stomach* One group came in a sandwich board made entirely out of softdrink labels. Another had a male Salome (Oscar Wilde's version, as illustrated by Aubrey, anyway). Yet another came with a suit that ZOMG actually lit UP - however, when you have the class sotong dressed in a Matrix trenchcoat and two (TWO!?) leedle half-pigtails (god do I hate half-peegtails), it does kind of, urm, what's the word, make you want to ralph. And Li Sim praised our concept as a strong one.
trirose took a gander at the marks and hey, hey, guess what - 18/20! *fistpump*
Went to Kenny Rogers for lunch and had a bowl of mac and cheese, and chewed the fat with JL and showed her the melty wonder that is Fantasy Videos. Whee! They still haven't got new Nexus eps in. Chrissake man, what you waiting for, an invitation?! -_- As it is, I already know WHO the Unknown Hand is, and WHO becomes Noa - the only thing I DON'T know, blessedly, is what actually happens to Nagi, and IF ANY OF YOU TELL ME I'LL VECCING DRAW AND QUARTER YOU. Buh. Straight home after, and received a package all the way from Hay - and hay, hay (sorry), two books from sis! The Firework Maker's Daughter by Pullman and some young writer's anthology called 'Wicked Words'.
...SIS YOU ROCK. (And JL agrees.)
Took a nap, washed hair (don't think there's a problem I've experienced yet that can't be cured by cooking my hair to death with shampoo on the side), and got down to researching CG project. Would you believe I searched for four hours and couldn't find a single hi-res, fair female hand with long nails, that wasn't covered in watermarks? *foomp foomp* (you at the back, quit laughing. -_-) Got the rest by about 12.30, and staggered hazily off to bed.
Oh and
kimiden, thanks for the roleplay. Kept me awake.
Tuesday! Today! Er...got my research together and headed for class, only to find that colour thumbs were due.
MS: Bwuh?
TL: Remember? He said as we went out the door 'Don't forget your colour thumbs next lesson!'
MS: *nagging sensation that she's right*
Watudu? Scribbled something, nicked
tanlammy's colour pencils and knocked it all together. Michael was blessedly late to class, so phew. Although I must say 2 colour thumbs is MISERABLE. Glad I didn't get marks deductedx0r. And...ohmigod...*angelsong*
Today, for the first time EVAR, I finished my work early. It was all special effects, easily run through with tutorial. Everything seemed just PEACHY...Until...
Michael (MG): MY!
MS: Hugububleh? (usual response when called out of reverie)
MG: Were you here for the first lesson?
MS: Yeeeees.
MG: Did you pass up your assignment?
MS: (Oh no. Popup house all over again.) Yeah, I did. (I DID!)
MG: It's not here. Do you still have the file?
Yeah, luckily I did. The raws, unfortunately - had to redo them. THAT made us late for lunch, but not so late that the three of us couldn't sit there gabbing away about dreams (hee) and still come tons early for class.
So. Hm. Copywriting. 'Twas interesting. Learned about the basics, what to include, what techniques to be used. We had to present out ideas briefly before the lesson ended, and because the tagline was 'Drink XXX', you got the weirdest things. 'Drink Temptation' (apple juice - and a free Eve action figure with every purpose. THANK YOU CARL.) 'Drink ChocoBanana Plus' (was that what it was, TL?) 'Drink your vegetables'. 'Drink a whole chicken'. No, really, that was mine. 'Drink Heavenly'. NO. By no stretch of grammar can that be CORRECT. *le die*
And the rumours are true - there's homework, but the class ends early. Like 1 hour early. @_@ See, this is why I wanted to bring my laptop to school. In the end, went to the AhoBa shop to do research on holistic wellness (iiit didn't work and was really boring, left quickly), and faffed around with TL in the gallery.
WHICH brings me to the next part of the story. Someone came into the gallery while me and TL were there - a senior - and she was singing 'Mai ya hi, mai ya hu'. AH. Dragostea Din Tei. So as she walked off, I couldn't help joining in (notwithstanding funny looks coming from TL). And we were using our handphones to start off the Living Batik Showcase, I flicked on my monophone DDT tone - and well, the senior heard, and up she comes running.
ALSO loves DDT.
ALSO loves Gojyo. @________________@ *le DIE*
Anyway we chatted and swapped contact details, so I plan on poking her again in the near future - and she has kindly warned me about the MM major (she's two terms ahead o' me!), which apparently quote unquote 'eats your soul'. Ooer. O_o
Well...I did promise her the shoutout, so - I know that there are friends of friends on my flist that have icons of the Dragostea Din Tei chibi-Gojyo - and the others, besides. I think she's interested in seeing and/or use, so where can I find them?