Dec 29, 2009 22:14
Alone here in my father’s house, even the dog most loyal lies restful in a distant bed, or so I imagine.
Whir of a fan as tamed fires battle the cold, swish of tire as weary traveler battles the road.
Warm glow of lights surrounding me. Soft bed and wife awaiting me.
Alone here in my father’s house, with my parents in their room reading, or so I imagine.
Heavy heart beating in my chest, life blood sustaining me, as leaden thoughts travel down roads littered with broken dreams.
Warm swell of tears filling me. Hard thoughts and plans tearing me.
Alone here in my father’s house, I put one thought in front of another to do what must be done, or so I imagine.
Alone here, in my father’s house, surrounded by those that love me.