(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 14:19

LJ Interests meme results

  1. beauty:
    I know it's kind of odd, but I believe there is always beauty in everything, at least, everything that isn't cruel nor evil or heartless. For instance, a person may not be "hot" or "sexy" when you first meet them, but when you spend time with them and get to know them... their soul can be the most beautiful thing in the world.
  2. burning cds:
    Why did this thing generate these damn interests? Like, burning cds... pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? Right?
  3. cuddling:
    Ah... *sigh* Cuddling is nice. Spooning is nice, too. I just love the feeling of someone's arms around me, because for that moment, or however long it lasts, I feel safe and protected.
  4. grey's anatomy:
    Gotta love this show... Katherine Heigl is so amazing in it, she's the only reason I started watching it, probably the only reason I'll continue to watch it. It premieres on sunday, September 25th on ABC at 9pm, don't forget people!
  5. lip gloss:
    Unfortunately, I have a shopping problem... and one of the things I love to buy, is lip gloss...I have two tubes of it right now in my little makeup case that I carry around in my purse, and many scattered all over my room. I'm a lip-gloss whore :)
  6. pajamas:
    Who doesn't like to lounge around in pajamas? Especially Winnie-The-Pooh pajama pants that say "adorable" on the ass? Hehehe.
  7. poetry:
    I write poetry. I read poetry ;)
  8. slippers:
    I have a few pairs... very soft... I want purple soft ones that I saw at the store the other day.
  9. triquetras:
    Charmed... triquetras... what more can I say? I love them and their significance.
  10. wicca:
    My religion, which I don't practice daily, but I do believe in it and I do stay dedicated to what it's all about and the beliefs :)

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

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