Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh.

Mar 07, 2010 02:44

Without even realizing what's been happening, I've landed in another situation with no solution.

My roommate is friends with these...people who prove Freud right by talking about sex 90% of the time.
They like me well enough and are sort of CLOSE to being at the point where I'm comfortable calling them my friends, although it is kind of painful to listen to their conversations. Because LITERALLY I HAVE NOT SPENT 10 MINUTES WITH THEM WITHOUT THE WORD "PENIS" COMING UP AT LEAST ONCE. Also, they only seek me out when they want a favor from me. Despite this, they're sort-of-friends with me. On account of the fact that I really don't have anyone else to hang around with.

So this one girl who is sort of my roommate's best friend (henceforth shortened to RMBF) is having these roommate troubles. Her roommate last semester was this Brazilian girl who she harbored some irrational hatred for. (She was kind of a weird person? And I could see where she'd get a little annoying, but really, the amount that RMBF hated her was kinda bully-ish.) So when the semester ended they split up. RMBF was planning to room with this other girl, but the other girl had to go on medical leave because she needed brain surgery. So RMBF like, well, okay, I guess I'll just leave it up to Student Life (who assigns roommates, among other things.)

Student Life decides to pair her up with this girl who "has a bit of a reputation". I thought it would be some kind of karmic retribution for her vaguely xenophobic hatred of the Brazilian girl, but her new roommate...
This. Girl. Is. Fucking. Crazy. She plays loud music and curses out people who ask her to stop (which is distinctly against policy here---but this girl just does not seem to give a fuck.) She drew penises all over the sign they had detailing the rules of their hallway. After a certain point, she actually just took this sign down and replaced it with a 'BLACK POWER" sign. She is frequently drunk and high at the same time, and on one such occasion she freaked out at RMBF for snoring at night ("because I thought there were fucking monsters"). Supposedly, all the house chairs got together and none of them were willing to have this girl in their house, except mine. Which is sweet of them, but...maybe they should have put it to a damn vote or something, because she really doesn't belong in this house at all. Or, really, anywhere where people might be expected to deal with her.

So RMBF goes through all the channels one is supposed to go through in the "I have a roommate that I can't deal with" situation. The house chairs guilt-trip her by telling her the story about how nobody else would take this girl. Student Life kind of passive-aggressively goes, "Sorry, there just aren't any other rooms" or some other evasive tactic. RMBF asks us if we want to move into a triple with her--but the thing is, my roommate and I both really like our room. And we're already moved in. I'm attached--which is a huge mistake because eventually we will have to leave--but for now I really need the stability of coming back here every day. Basically, none of it works.

RMBF decides to deal with this by borrowing an air mattress and sleeping in our room for the night. And then...the next night. And the night after that. I don't mind, because we're almost-friends and it'll only be until she works something out, right?

Wrong. THIS is apparently "worked something out".

My roommate and I have a pretty good balance. We don't make noise unnecessarily, we use headphones when we listen to stuff, we don't comment on each others' weird schedules. We sleep heavily, but we also don't snore. We have certain unspoken agreements that just work.
RMBF is aware of none of this. She's a light sleeper and fucking. Wakes up in the middle of the night and gives me a "what the fuck are you doing awake" look. Really not okay. She's up in the goddamned mornings and having fucking conversations. I can't fault her for having conversations during normal times (although again, without her around this is not something I have to deal with), but in the morning. Have some decency, woman. Of course she's **best friends** with my roommate which means that whenever she's here they constantly have to be having a discussion. And she's been here pretty much all the time now. Possibly the most annoying thing is that the air mattress takes up pretty much all of our floorspace which makes it a pain in the ass to walk anywhere. Oh, and now she's sick---not her fault, of course, but if you're going to infect someone why don't you go infect the crazy girl who drove you out of your own room. She snores like nobody's business and she wears clothes that are way too tight and her stomach hangs out like it's something she wants to show off...

I like this girl--well, okay, "like" is too strong, but there are things about this girl I don't completely hate--but I don't want to fucking be around her all the time. She's annoying and she has a lot of habits that make me uncomfortable.

It's a 2-person room. There's really not supposed to be 3 people in here. It just doesn't work. For the amount of fucking money my parents are paying for this shit? I should not have to sleep 3 people in a 2 person room. I was cool with it when it looked like it was only going to be a few days but the situation is showing no signs of changing.

So I should do something, right? But there's no good way to do it--all the options have issues.

1: Just tell her to fucking leave.
-This would be a really fucking awkward conversation.
-Our almost-friendship would kind of be over.
-She'd also probably talk shit about me to everyone else, and she's got way more connections than I do.
-Shit would also probably get pretty awkward with my roommate.
-I guess she'd get forced back into rooming with crazy girl.

2. Ask her politely.
-Actually, this kinda has the same pitfalls as the first one.
-She would also probably just guilt-trip me into okaying her to stay here instead.

3. Just REPRESS REPRESS REPRESS and deal with it.
-See entire above rant for the issues with this.

4. Move into the triple.
-This would not actually really solve anything other than "wasted room and board money frustration".
-I also have ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES when it comes to moving and am just much more comfortable in here.

5. Talk to House Chairs, Student Life, etc.
-I'd just get the same dead-ends that RMBF got.

6. Talk to crazy girl.
-The issue here is that I harbor no suicidal intentions.

But basically, until something gets done, the end result is that crazy girl gets rewarded for being a fucking nutjob by getting a 2-person room to herself, and I have to deal with an unwanted extra roommate for no good reason.

I hate getting caught in the crossfire like this. Something has got to get done. Need my hikkikomori retreat back in order.

complaining, rants

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