This entry shouldn't exist.

Jul 07, 2009 02:57

"Don't use boredom as your central conflict."
This advice was given to me by a couple of people who I deeply respect and admire. I've been trying not to write about boredom ever since. The intrinsic flaw there seems so obvious.
But a few of my new D! friends added me and I suddenly felt inclined to update here...and the only thing I can think to write about is boredom.

I feel like there's some meaningful, existential activity I need to do before I feel like I'm ready to leave home, but...I just don't know what it is yet. Maybe I should set my old schoolbooks and binders and such on fire. That might be cathartic somehow.
Maybe it's time for another episode of Impressive vs. Unimpressive!
But I recently broke my M key and typing out those two words is going to be a pain. Uwahhh. Feeling lazy. I should get some hot glue for this M key or something, but it's too much work...

Man, though, I'd better do something about it before anyone else has to use this thing.

My grandparents are supposedly going to pay for my new computer but I don't think they know about it yet. Wondering how and when it's going to go down. Mostly wondering how much I'll be able to spend and if it's worth it shooting for an alienware.

...damn, though, I wanted to go on a big adventure...
Why does this feel like my last chance?
I'll have plenty of time for adventure later on...
Everything costs money, no one can get a job. Critical glitch. System failure.
Got to convince Mom and Dad to stop freaking out if I go on the highway. It's become one of those situations where I don't mind doing something until they point out how amazed they are that I actually did it. Suddenly driving becomes irksome not because I have a problem with it but because I don't want to hear, "YOU WENT TO THE DUNKIN DONUTS BY YOURSELF? THAT'S ADORABLE! I'M SO PROUD!"
Urgh. That kind of thing makes me lose Aspiration points.
Did I mention that now that it's obsolete I've been playing the Sims 2? may or may not make sense, depending on if I ever get that computer. -le sigh-

When there's nothing to do but wait...I used to entertain myself by making up stories.


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