May 02, 2005 15:17
yes yes it is tru...CURLEY IS A FUKING PIECE OF SHIT WHO SCREWED ME OVER!!! fuking everything is in the shit hole now. i WAS SUPPOSED to go 2 UCF nbut curley doesnt kno how 2 send out simple papers. they fukign screwed me over big time and now im most prob goign 2 fukign FIU. great 4 me yay...not really. fuking i kno my SAT scores were shit but ucf just differed me askign me for more shit (reccomendations and my report card 4 mid year report and also 2 take the SAT or ACTover which i did)and i would have been in, but in order 4 me 2 get in they need 2 get that shit. nope its not only 1 person from curley that screwed me over (ms milone whos the worst college advisor ever) but more than 1. 1st off Ms. Miller messed up my psychology grade on my report card..she gave me a low C bc she put a 0 4 a test that I DID BUT SHE JUST LOST MY TEST and now thats my fault. so i went 2 her 2 fix it and she ended up findign the test....which was 100 so yea guess wat my grade went up 2...a freakin A..ok from almost a D to an A real nice. so in the mean time she takes about 2435354 years fixing my 2 Ms Diaz...i ask her 2 write me a recomendation about 4 or 5 weeks ago...put it this way, she JUST finished it on thursday. thats when i send out all my shit (which btw ms milone wotn do either cause she has "2 much stuff 2 do" when i ask her, but thats just eatign shit and checkign her email...great real nice thats a lot 2 do..ur email comes before my future)cause fuking curley doesnt kno how 2 get shit 2gether. it takes them a fukign month 2 do.. now its 2 late fuking not goign 2 ucf wat mother fukers of a school. shit i cant wait till i graduate and leave those shit, and dont worry they WILL BE HEARING IT from my mom and dad....oo shit messign with MY FUTURE like that mother fukers. but then again i still havent heard from ucf so i dotn kno the verdict.....?????
on another sad and mike broke up should i say...mainly bc "im leaving" and he will get 2 attatched 2 me and get 2 hurt when im actually gone. its completly understandable cause i do feel the same way it just sux soooo bad that we like eachother this much and cant be with would be 2 hard at the end 2 break it off so migth as well do it now???? dotn ask me i liek 2 take chances. BUTTTTTTTTT THAT WOULD BE A PLUS IF I STAY...maybe the only plus (besides u kat u kno i love u 2 death and actually yea ur on the top of my list b4 any1!!!!!well actually no alot of my friends..jk theres alot of pluses lol) so i dont kno if i stay we go bak 2gether..if i leave remain friends. we'll see my future is more important than anything soooooo.....
actually when i think of it i mainly want 2 leave bc of my mom and a different experience from home..i can just move out.....?
can some1 just give me some good news just the littleist bit cause all ive been hearing is shit shit and more shit and its kinda depressing....