It's been nearly two weeks...

Jan 25, 2008 23:10

Well, I don't know if anyone ever even reads this thing anymore but here I am on a Friday night alone in my room with nothing to do. You may be asking yourself why I am alone on a Friday night with nothing to do; I shall tell you my reason: the Great Jeremy managed to fracture his right ankle last Monday (1/14) walking in downtown Worcester while I was at work.

So there I was parked my car on Franklin St and walking to the near-by branch when I slipped and fell and landed very awkwardly on my right ankle. After a few minutes of extreme pain I managed to compose myself enough to "walk" (I use quotes since I was so painful for me to try and walk) to work since I knew I was doomed in the snow-ridden downtown Worcester. Well as I entered two of my co-workers noticed I was in pain and mad me sit in a chair and asked what was wrong. I initially thought it was nothing more than a bad sprain and figured I would rest a few minutes a return to my routine as normal. However when I removed my ankle, I was surprised with a very swollen right ankle. Then they (my co-workers) called an ambulance (I knew that day that something fun was going to happen as I was talking with my boss about how driving to work in these conditions are insane and we should be closed). So there was Jeremy in extreme pain riding in an ambulance (for the first time) on his way to the ER (also a first for me). The ER was fun, I got my right ankle X-rayed (good thing for lead shields to protect me); after waiting for 2 hours to see someone, the doctor initially thought nothing was broken and I would be out shortly with an air-cast and crutches. He returned 25 minutes later (after I heard multiple nurses say "There's no way nothing's broken when its that size") to say that someone else looked at it and saw that there might be a fracture...YAY!! So I again waited for someone to see me. I got an interesting looking male who put this hideous splint on my leg and told me I'd probably get a CT scan on in (orthopedic's orders) and then PT would be in to show me how to use crutches; I was also told to call an orthopedic tomorrow about it to schedule a follow-up appointment in a week. So I was wisked away to get my CT scan and then shown how to crutch around. Well 6 hours (10 am til 4 pm), 7 X-rays, a CT scan and a splint later I found myself "walking" (since it was now a wincing crutching) into Katie's car.

So the next day I called the orthopedic and found he wanted to meet with me immediately and go over my CT scan. So Katie brings me down and he says that he thinks I need surgery to prevent arthritis from possibly forming in my right ankle...YAY!! I went from nothing wrong to a fractured ankle that needed surgery. So then Friday around noon, I go and get my surgery done (nothing major, just a small cut and a nice screw to correctly place the bone). Now I have another lovely looking splint until Thursday (1/31) that will be followed by a boot for a little while.

So here I am, nearly 2 weeks later. I am bored out of my mind. I have been limited in movement since I can't put any weight on my right ankle. Also it's nearly impossible to carry anything while "walking" with crutches so I have to rely on Katie (mainly) to get me anything. Its been a great past few weeks.

Well that's it for now.
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