Sep 07, 2005 23:59
Well, as that "special day" (Oct. 18) comes closer and closer I began to look back at my life and compare where I was at roughly this time last year to where I am this year. So far things, academically, are going great. Granted that, yes, I have not had any graded assignment/exam of any sort, but I know that I have been able to keep up with the work in my classes. I know that it is also very early in the year but I truly feel good about where I am as far as academics go. Last year in the fall semester was also very good, but it was the spring semester that killed me. I think it's the fact that in spring we only have one break, spring break, in the entire semester... I love school and all but it's hard to do for seven straight weeks. Socially things are about the same, still have the same 4-5 friends that I did last year; however one good thing is the multiple acquaintances that I have made through PA'ing. I never really did believe that we would be good friends but somehow it all pulled together in the end.
But one thing I am really worried about is the stress and whether or not I will be able to balance school-work with social life/relationship with working approximately 22 hours a week. So far I have been able to do it and still keep up with my work, but only time shall tell.
"I'm burning like a bridge for you're body."