After a Reclusive and Reflective Time...

Jun 16, 2005 22:13

I have spent these past few weeks pretty much in solitude. I have left my house a couple of times, but have primarily stayed at home. I have been spending most of my time playing Halo-2 or Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. I am going to conquer Morrowind. I already beat it, but am going to master it. It is impossible to complete the game because of guilds, however I will do a lot. Nevertheless, it is a waste of my life since the xbox will be staying at home next fall.

I have been reflecting a lot on what has been going on. I have spent my time in solitude foolishly, yet it has been amazing. I have realized how this summer doesn't matter. Everything I do will be but a waste, because in about 2 months, it will never matter again. I will be in a new world, away from the people I hold dear, and those I despise. I will be trading in the rusty old life, and picking up a new one.

Orientation is in 3 weeks. I already know everything I am going to take, so I suppose we shall see how it goes. I don't anticipate there being that many girls in my intended major, so I shall have to find other activities to interact with the female species.

I need to begin playing tennis again. I haven't played in several months. 3 years of hard work, to just be cut my senior year. Ain't life a bitch. Just sitting on my ass, getting lazy. Spending every night at home. Thanks for the calls everyone. I have really enjoyed hanging out with you this summer*smirks*. I really think that our class song hit the nail on the head. No, not the song itself, more of the subtitle(Good Riddance).

I enjoyed it while it lasted. But peace easy, I won't be seeing you around.

You're just... a fuck,
I can't explain it 'cause I think you suck.
I'm take-
-in pride
in telling you to fuck off and die.

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